Working Wednesday: A Jumping Workout

Integrating a jumping workout into your routine is great for boosting cardiovascular health, skyrocketing your heart rate, and of course, training jumps!

Today’s workout will incorporate jumps to wake up those fast-twitch muscle fibers and get your body firing in a short amount of time. 

This workout will train your endurance for petite allegro and help you work on building power from your end-range of motion.

Shall we begin?

The Jumping Workout

This jumping workout clocks in around 10-12 minutes in length and leans toward HIIT or plyometric training. It’s a good idea to have a bottle of water nearby and, if you like to be on a mat when you do ab work, grab a mat as well. 

You’ll complete the entire circuit before taking a break so pace yourself. It’s also why it’s a good idea to look over the entire jumping workout before you get started – so you’re not losing time reading between exercises.

That said, you have the choice of completing anywhere between 4-6 rounds depending on the level of challenge you need today.



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Alternating Split Squat Jumps x6/leg

Kicking off our jumping workout is a brutal one: split squat jumps. 

From a standing position, jump into the air and land in a split squat position (bent-knee lunge). 

From the bottom of your lunge, jump up and switch legs in the air to land in the same lunge position but on the opposite side. 

If your knees aren’t up for this amount of impact, replace the split squat jumps with alternating lunges. 

To perform alternating lunges, simply step into a deep lunge then step your legs back together and repeat on the other side. 

*No matter the exercise, perform 6 reps per leg (12 total) then immediately move on to the next exercise.*

Frog Hops x10

Think of these brutal jumps as sumo squat jumps. 

Ballerinas, we won’t be working in 180 degree turn-out. Instead, set up with your feet just a bit wider than your hips and turned out to about 45 degrees. 

Squat down to your lowest depth without losing form and jump straight up as if you’ve been popped out of a toaster!

Your landing from this jump is the prep for your next. 

*Perform 10 reps then immediately move on to the next exercise.*

Scissor Crunches x8/side

For a moment in our jumping workout, you get a brief break from jumping around. 

Lay on your back, it’s time to get those obliques firing with scissor crunches. 

Think of these as the evil step sister to bicycle crunches. 

On your back place your hands behind your head. Next, brace your core lifting  legs off on inch off the ground. 

Twist your left shoulder toward your right leg as you lift the leg straight up into the air. 

Lower back down and repeat on the other side. 

*Perform 8 reps per side (16 total) then immediately move on to the next exercise.*

Plank Jacks and tuck x12

Alright, back to our regularly scheduled jumping workout. 

Flip your body over and put yourself in a plank position on your hands.  

To perform a full rep:

Jump your legs out, wider than your shoulders, then jump them back together. 

Then, jump your legs up under your chest to your hands and jump them back to the starting position. 

This entire sequence is one rep. 

*Perform twelve reps then immediately move on to the next exercise.*

Squat hold x30 seconds

Just because this is simple doesn’t mean you can go on autopilot! Pay close attention to your form. 

First step, engage your core. 

Next, stick your tush backwards as if you are about to sit in a chair.

Keep your chest lifted as you descend and only go as low as you can while keeping your keeps planted and your chest lifted. (If you were wearing a T-shirt with words on it, you should be able to read it.)

Once at your max depth, hold this position for 30 seconds. 

*Once time is up, rest for 30 seconds then start the circuit over again. * 


Completing the workout

To complete this workout perform anywhere between 4-6 rounds of this jumping workout. And don’t get cocky, it’s harder than it looks!


Want to try another workout from Dancers Who Lift? Give these a try: Training Tip Tuesday: The Palloff Press, Workout Wednesday: The Compound Workout, How to Eat 25 Grams of Fiber and Still Hit your Macros

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