Feel the Burn: A Toning Workout

Today’s workout is focused on building muscle and keeping your heart rate high so you can feel strong, lean, and toned.

To keep our workout short and sweet we’ve created three superset “groups,” some with two exercises, some with three. Each group should be completed before taking a rest. 

Yes, this will be challenging. But I believe in you! Besides, you can adjust the challenge level of this workout by adjusting the amount of weight or resistance you’re using. So, if after the first set you think you might’ve overshot the weight, it’s okay to drop the weight.

The goal here is to challenge yourself while maintaining good form and a strong tempo. 


Feel the Burn: A Toning Workout

Group 1: 3 sets

The first superset in our toning workout targets your glutes and back: hip thrusts and bent over rows. You’ll rest for two minutes between each super set. Shall we dive in?

Hip Thrusts:

Set up so the bottom of your shoulder blades are on the edge of your bench/ sofa/ etc.

Keep your chin tucked,  and eyes forward (looking toward your belly button.) Make sure your shins are perpendicular to the ground. (This should put your knees and hips in line with each other.)

now that you’re set up, drop your hips low enough to feel it in your glutes/thighs while keeping your ribcage closed and abs engaged throughout-no swaying in the back!

During the first set you’ll do 10 reps, during set 2 you’ll do 15, and in the final set you’ll perform 20 reps.  

After your respective reps, immediately move on to the bent over row. 


Bent Over Row:

You’re choice on this one, either use a Kettlebell, Dumbbell, barbell, or stand on a band.

Pull the weight or band to your pant pockets and stop– NOT elbows to the ceiling.

Your back should be flat, your shoulders down, and your chin should be tucked.

Perform 10 reps, then rest for two minutes. Then, start the set all over again. 


Group 2: 4 sets

For this superset in our toning workout you’ll repeat the superset four times. Good luck. 

Hamstring curl variation:

Pick the move that suits your skill and equipment availability. Feet flexed and go SLOW. Squeeze your glutes as you curl, squeeze your abs as you come up. 10 reps.


Choose a height that feels challenging but safe (#NoPlasticSurgeries here please!) The lower surface you choose, the more challenging this move will be.

To perform this, set yourself up for an elevated push-up. From the base of your push-up, push off of your surface hard, then catch yourself before lowering again.

Think of an explosion of movement when at the top, and catching yourself as you come back down.

Try to use a lower surface every time you come back to this exercise!

Complete 10 reps then rest for two minutes before repeating the set. 



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Group 3: 3 sets

Here we are, the final set in our toning workout. This is a tough finisher but I know you can finish strong!

Constant tension Squat:

Imagine an elevator that goes from basement to floor 15. You’re riding the elevator from Floor 3- Floor 13.

No pauses, no thrusts, but your booty should be burning!

Repeat for 15 reps (holding a weight is optional!) then immediately move on to the walkout to plank taps. 

Walkout to plank taps:

Find a high plank position then, without wobbling, walk your hands forward into a super hero position.

You may modify this  by setting up in a push-up on your knees!

The further away your hands walk from your shoulders, the more challenging this move will be.

After holding for one exhale, bring your hands back under your armpits and tap you L shoulder with your right arm, and R shoulder with left arm.

Repeat this for 5 reps then immediately move on to the 2-up-1-down. 


Relévé on 2 feet, shift your weight over to one foot, then lower down lightly before repeating on the other side.

Feel free to bring the lifted foot up to passé and practice lowering onto that standing leg with control.

Abs should remain engaged, ribcage should stay knitted closed, and shoulders stay down throughout. Imagine a thread pulling the top of your head to the ceiling!

Perform 5 reps/side then rest for 2 minutes before repeating the set. 


And just like that, you’ve finished today’s workout! Was it hard? Did you curse our name during any of the sets? Let us know! We’d love to cheer you on as you work out!

Want more workouts? Tune in here every Wednesday for a free workout!

Can’t wait til then? Give these workouts a try: (Hollow) Hold, Please! A Quick Ab Workout for Dancers, Exceed Your Own Expectations: How to Use the Principle of Progression to Overcome Plateaus, Training Tip Tuesday: B-stance RDL


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