rectus abdominis workout

Rectus Abdominis Workout

It might feel *incredibly* specific to mention, but adding a rectus abdominis workout into your cross-training will directly impact your dancing. The rectus abdominis supports hip flexion specifically when we are talking about raising the leg. So, if you’re looking for sky-high extensions, doing a rectus abdominis workout fairly often will be an integral part of your success. 

Already have your extensions on lock? Great. A strong rectus abdominis also improves posture and can help relieve back pain. 

That’s why today’s Workout Wednesday is, you guessed it, a rectus abdominis workout. Now, this workout is short and to the point, allowing you to tack it on to any workout session with ease. 

Ready to dive in?


The Rectus Abdominis Workout

The name of the game in this rectus abdominis workout is to move slowly. It’s easy to fling yourself through these moves without intentionally engaging the muscles you’re targeting. This can lead to neck and back pain and cheats you out of the benefits of this workout. 

So, when a cue says “slowly” we mean it. This is a great opportunity to not only grow physical strength but improve your mind-body connection.



Kicking off our rectus abdominis workout are knee tucks. 

Start by laying on your back with your legs extended and your arms by your side. Remember your coccyx balance in Horton technique class? Think of this like that. 

So,  as you pull your knees up towards your chest, sit up, balancing on your tailbone. 

Then, rather than laying all the way back down, slowly lower yourself into a hovering position (your hollow hold position). 

Throughout this exercise, keep your shoulders relaxed and wide, and think of pulling your lower abdominals back and up.

Perform 12 slow and controlled reps. 



You might think you already know this one, but let’s check your form together just in case. 

For this movement,  you will need something sturdy like the leg of a couch or chair. 

Lay down on your back, extend your arms overhead, and grab that fixed point. 

Your arms should be fully extended and there should be some amount of tension rather than letting your arms hold with slack. 

Now, exhale fully and peel yourself up towards that fixed point, with your legs soft but extended. Initiate this movement with your core rather than the momentum of swinging legs.

Both the ascent and descent should be slow and controlled.

Perform 10 slow and controlled reps.

personal training for dancers


Finally, our last exercise in this rectus abdominis workout! Finish strong and with intentionality! You’ve got this!

Start by laying on your back with your legs extended and your arms overhead.

As you exhale, contract your core so your head, arms, shoulder blades, and legs hover off of the ground. Imagine your core is pulling back toward your spine, curling from both sides. 

Hold for the duration of your exhale (as long as possible) and slowly lower yourself back down to repeat.

Throughout this exercise, keep your shoulder blades wide to prevent neck and shoulder tension.

Perform 5 reps.

Like I said, this isn’t a long workout, but if you move slowly you will definitely be shaking by the end. Tag this on to any lift session or mobility flow and start to see how your core strength improves. 


Want more workouts like this? Tune in every Wednesday for a new workout!

Can’t wait til then? Try these fan favorites that are sure you make you break a sweat: Workout Wednesday: The No-Equipment Workout, Stay Alive For 25 (minutes!): Workouts For Dancers, Workout Wednesday: The Bench Workout


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