Go With The Flow: Your Period, Your Body, And Your Dancing
In all honesty, it took me FAR TOO LONG to fully understand what was actually happening to my body when I experienced PMS and associated period symptoms…
In all honesty, it took me FAR TOO LONG to fully understand what was actually happening to my body when I experienced PMS and associated period symptoms…
For many young dancers calling a cruise ship “home” is the job of a lifetime. You get to travel the world, do what you love, and put money in the bank. Not a bad life, right?
I recently had the opportunity to sit down with one of New York’s most up-and-coming dance photographers, Theik Smith. You might have seen his work fluttering around on IG featuring dancers with clean lines and crisp lighting. His photos can be seen with featuring some of New York’s best-known companies, dancers, and are often featured on this very site.
As a professional dancer you want to do everything in your power to take your dancing, and your career, to the next level. Does that mean you should be taking supplements? Find out!
Dear dancer, that dance-themed workout is not for you. I’m going to ruffle some feathers here, but oh well this is important.
With the rise of the temperature, we see a trend in warm weather clothes. Shorts get a little shorter, colors get brighter, hats and sunglasses accompany most ensembles. But there’s one summer trend that could be the demise of your dance career.
I’m no Emma Watson, but I can argue for the perks of not being a wallflower. If “We accept the love we think we deserve.” then do we not also accept the attention we think we deserve?