Training Tip Tuesday: The B-Stance Squat

Welcome back to Technique Tip Tuesday! Today we are introducing you to the B-Stance Squat!

Different types of squat stances will change your rang of motion and therefore change the weight load experienced by your muscle groups. This can be beneficial for building stability and single-leg strength. 

So, what the heck is a B-stance squat and how is it different than a regular squat?

B-stance simply means we are shifting the weight distribution in our feet from an even 50/50 to a 80/20 (sometimes referred to as a staggered stance). 

What does this mean? Basically, we are adding more load onto one leg to build additional strength.

To do this, you simply shift your weight to one of your legs, then step the other leg back  so you are resting on your toes like a kickstand. This leg is just there for balance support, not for large amounts of load bearing.

This is the perfect stepping stone to warm-up for, or build strength, before going all in on a single-leg exercise. 

B-stance squats offer you stability because you’re not required to balance on one leg, meaning you can often increase the weight on these faster than a single-leg exercise. This is the perfect stepping stone to warm-up or build strength before going all in on a single-leg exercise. 

As a result, b-stance squat is super beneficial if you are working toward a single-leg or pistol squat, or just need to change up to your regular squat routine. 

Can you do the b-stance with other exercises?

Yes! B-stance works with glute bridges, hip thrusts, deadlifts, and Romanian deadlifts. Pretty much any exercise that also has a single-leg counter part can be performed in a b-stance. And this is great news because, as we’ve mentioned, b-stance is a perfect stepping stone on your journey toward single leg exercises!

Still can’t quite picture it?

Check out this demo video explaining a couple different ways you can incorporate a B-stance Squat into your training!

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