Workout Wednesday: The AMRAP Workout

AMRAP Workout, 10 minute workout, free workout

Workout Wednesday: The AMRAP Workout

Ahhhh an AMRAP workout. Oh, you’ve never heard of that? It means “As Many Rounds As Possible.”  It’s a workout that requires you to complete as many rounds of a circuit as possible in a set amount of time. 

Yes, it’s sweaty. Yes, it’s hard. And it absolutely requires you to push yourself harder and harder every round.

And no, you won’t see any rest times in this workout. 

Are you ready to take on the challenge?

The Circuit: 

Below is a breakdown of each of the exercises in today’s AMRAP workout. Read these through ahead of time so you can move as efficiently as possible through this workout.

If you desire, you many add weight to any of these exercises, but do so with caution. This workout will tired you out quickly and you’ll want to maintain proper form to protect yourself from injury. 


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T-push-ups x 6

Perform a regular push-up, then, at the top of the push-up, rotate your body to your ride side, lifting your right arm off the ground and reaching it toward the ceiling into a side plank. Then, return to your push-up form and repeat on the other side.

*Perform 6 reps then immediately move on to Squats*

Squats x 10

Next up in our AMRAP workout circuit is squats. (You can add a weight here if you’d like, but you do not have to!)

Just because this is simple doesn’t mean you can go on autopilot! Pay close attention to your form. 

First step, engage your core. 

Next, stick your tush backwards as if you are about to sit in a chair. Keep your chest lifted as you descend and only go as low as you can while keeping your keeps planted and your chest lifted. If you were wearing a T-shirt with words on it, you should be able to read it. 

Then, push through your feet to return to standing. No hip tucks at the top!

Knee-to-Elbow Crunch

Some people might call these bicycle crunches, but the most important part of these crunches is to move with intention. Faster is NOT better. 

Lay on your back, with your knees bent. 

To engage your core, imagine your bottom rib is trying to reach your hip bone. This should result in your ribcage knitting closed and your abs pulling back and up. 

Next, place your arms behind your head, elbows wide to the side. 

Now, using your abdominals, lift the shoulder off the ground. 

From here, lift your left knee and twist your shoulders to try and touch it with your right elbow. 

Keeping your shoulders lifted and elbows wide, switch sides. 


Performing the AMRAP Workout

To perform this workout, set up your workout area with a mat and any weights you choose to use. 

Set your time for 20 minutes. 

Perform as many rounds of the circuit above within the 20 minutes. 

You can rest if you need to, but try to rest as little as possible. 

Once the 20 minutes is up you’re done! Take a walk or do some like cycling on the stationary bike to cool your body down and go about your day knowing you worked HARD and got your workout done in just 20 minutes. 


Want more workouts and fitness tips? Try these: You’re Not Doomed, It’s D.O.M.S., Six Steps to Perfect Push-ups!, Stay Alive For 25 (minutes!): Workouts For Dancers