Workout Wednesday: The Compound Workout

Compound workouts are workouts that consist of compound exercises! Compound exercises are multi-joint movements that use multiple muscle groups at the same time. This means instead of isolating a specific muscle group, you’re targeting multiple muscle groups at once, making your workout efficient…and challenging. 

Today’s workout is, you guessed it, a compound workout. It’s fast and furious and designed as an AMRAP workout to really get your heart pumping.

The Compound Workout 

This  compound workout is designed to be performed AMRAP style which means you’ll set a timer for (in this case) 12 minutes and perform as many rounds as possible before the timer goes off. Yes, that means you’ll taking as little rest as possible during that 12 minutes.



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Dive Tap x5/side

First up in our compound workout circuit are dive taps! 

To perform these, you’ll get into a push-up position and lower your body down. 

At the base of your push-up, press your chest forward and through into a scorpion (like the bottom of a sun salutation). 

From there, curl your chin to your chest and dave back through your arms into downward dog tapping your right arm to your left leg then returning it to the floor. 

From downward dog, dive back into your push-up and repeat the entire move on the other side. 

**Perform a total of 10 reps (5 per side) then immediately move on to the next exercise.**

Lunge and Chop x5/side

Next up is the lunge and chop!

Standing with your feet hip width apart, press your palms together over head. 

From this position step forward into a right leg lunge. As you do so, swing your arms down and twist your body to “chop” the air on the outside of your right thigh.

Press through your feet to return to your starting position and repeat on the opposite side. 

**Perform a total of 10 reps (5 per side) then immediately move on to the next exercise.**

Single-arm Plank x15 seconds per side

I recommend performing this one with the weight in your hands rather than your forearms. 

Set yourself up into a plank position. Remember, core braced, shoulder blades down and back, neck long. 

Then, lift one arm up off the ground – you can either reach it forward or alongside your body. Careful not to sink into your supporting shoulder!

**Hold this for 15 seconds, then, switch sides. After 15 seconds on each side, immediately move on to the next exercise.**

Yoga Push-up — x8

The yoga push-up is the cousin to the dive tap push-up – so maybe don’t lift arms tomorrow, okay?

to perform, start in downward dog, then shift your body forward into a plank. 

Lower your body down then, as you press up, shift your chest back toward your heels to return to your downward dog position. 

**Perform 8 reps then immediately move on to the final exercise of the circuit.**

Jump Squat — x10

Finally we make it to the last exercise in our compound workout; Jump squats.

To get the most out of your jump squats perform a squat with good form.

Then, from the base of your squat, throw your arms downward and jump as high as you can. As you land, try to maintain your chest and get into your full range of motion. 

 **Perform 10 reps, then start the circuit over as soon as possible.**


Finish Strong

I know it’s hard to sustain maximum effort for 12 whole minutes. But do the best you can! You will feel so much better if you get to the end of your workout feeling like you tried your best. 

That said, IT IS OK TO TAKE REST TIME. Resting for 10 or even 20 seconds could yield a way better output that slowing down each round.  You’ve got this!


Want more workouts like this? Follow the blog every Wednesday! 

Until then, give these client favorites a read: Essential Gym Etiquette Rules: Everything You Need to Feel Confident in the Weight Room, (Hollow) Hold, Please! A Quick Ab Workout for Dancers, Do You Really Need 10,000 Steps a Day?

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