9 Ways to Spice Up Your Protein

9 Ways to Spice Up Your Protein


I love the DWL community. 

Seriously, I cannot believe the level of talent and intelligence within one place. It seems that every performer within the DWL Fam is constantly pushing to better themselves. Much of this lies within their always asking great questions. 

This week’s question came from Jada, a fabulous Vegas-based dancer. She asks: 

“I’m going grocery shopping today and the thought of prepping bland chicken for my week is already making me want to binge on pizza instead…Anyone have a mouth watering recipe/seasonings for their protein? I’m open to anything, even vegetarian options. I feel like I rotate the same few seasonings and I need something that’ll spice up my meal prep life! Thanks, fam!”

This is a question I myself have run into in the past. I want to stay on track, I want to stay on budget, but I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen and I’m so bored with my lean-protein options. 

Has this happened to you? 

Once Jada posed this question to the DWL Fam, everyone sprang into action to help their fellow performer out.

Here are some unique responses for spicing up (I will not apologize for that pun) your protein options, straight from the DWL Fam

    1. Cheyene- “I love using flavor god seasonings! They even make a pizza flavor ?”
    2. Julia “Instead of making chicken a lot, I tend to make pork tenderloin a ton because it always seems to taste better, leftovers taste better, and Trader Joe’s has them already marinated.” 
    3. Maggie”Honestly, soy sauce & sriracha; it’s the only way I can get my husband to eat veggies so it’s a little of a go-to in my regular prep. Plus anything involving lemon and/or feta.”
    4. Justine “ I’m married to an Italian – IMO the best way to cope with wanting pizza is to make great sauce from scratch & use it like ketchup. Peeled tomatoes or pomodori passata if you can find it, a little EVOO, salt, pepper, basil, and time…. once it’s stewed into sauce, portion out 1-2T with a bunch of parm sprinkled on and use as dip for your plain chicken. ❤️ ??… it took like 10 years of homesickness for Italy for my husband to try… add a clove of garlic for the more Americanized palette & generally make it your own!!” 
    5. Abrie “I’ve been using Primal Kitchen dressings and marinades for EVERYTHING and they are so bomb! I used the balsamic dressing with some rosemary, salt and pepper recently… fire ? Also I was craving buffalo wings so I marinaded chicken in a little Frank’s red hot/lemon olive oil… also fire ?”
    6. Amber “Shred you baked chicken and add some sugar-free BBQ sauce! “ 
    7. Aileen “A favorite in my rotation lately has been making simmered bolognese using ground turkey and serving with parm and mozz over spiralized carrots.”
    8. Colie “Adobo. That’s all.”
    9. Aimee “Don’t forget about curry powder! Make a yogurt cuke dipping sauce and top with chopped cilantro… yum! It’s all about mixing up the spices… but texture is also important….I also make my chicken all diff ways
      • pulled in slow cooker/instapot
      • bake in oven, end with a broil to get that “char”
      • thin sliced (long flat way) and then I hammer to make it thinner and then quick spray my med/high heated cast iron fry pan with canola before placing in to “fry”


These are some pretty simple yet tasty ways to keep your meals exciting and help you stay on track. 

What about you?

What’s your favorite way to make and flavor your protein? I’d love to hear from you, leave a comment below. 

Xox Am 

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