
Inexpensive Eats: Five Tips For Eating Healthy on a Budget

Life as a performer is expensive. Shoes, shows, lattes, and happy hours are all fun things to drop a few dollars on. But you know what you can’t live without? Food.

Food is a necessary expense, and we have to have it to perform, dance, lift, walk, breath, and, well, survive. You’re a savvy dancer who lifts, so you already know how important fueling your body is, which means you probably know how quickly money can go when you prioritize making healthy, smart food choices. While food may be your most important expense, it doesn’t have to be your biggest. Here are 5 tips to eat well, save money, and get hot.

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how much fat should I eat, fat macros, healthy fats

How Much Fat Should I Eat? How to Balance Your Fat Intake

Fat is an incredible and important macronutrient. Having a diet with ample fat means your body will run smoothly and recover quickly.
However, there is “too much of a good thing,” being the most calorically dense macro means it’s easy to overeat fat and thusly having too many calories; ultimately slowing down your fat-loss goals.
Here are 8 ways fat is sneaking into your diet.

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9 Ways to Spice Up Your Protein

Baked chicken and steamed fish would bore anyone to tears and undoubtedly lead to the demise of one’s diet efforts.
A dancer within the DWL community felt this tension rising and asked the rest of the DWL Fam to weigh in on their favorite ways to make protein more exciting.
Here are the top 9 responses!

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Recipe: Banana Donuts

As I made my way through the last of Bananapocalypse 2020, a mishap where I accidentally ordered 4 bushels of bananas, I was met with warm memories and the sweet scent of these delightful banana donuts.

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Debunked! 7 Fitness Myths Dancers Should Stop Believing

When I started my journey with fitness, I wanted as much information as I could get my hands on, but something so frustrating was the conflicting information from what I had been told in my years of dance training with what I was learning about the body and strength training.
In fact, it seemed there were several “myths” that dancers have heard over the years. So today I’d like to take a moment and clarify the 7 myths dancers should stop believing.

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How to track your progress with a scale

For years the scale has earned a bad reputation as the cause of obsession and frustration. What if that’s simply because this tool was being used incorrectly? Read more on how to properly use the scale to gather data about your progress.

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Recipe: My Mom’s Classy Chicken

This is a very special meal for me.
It’s quick, protein rich, and I learned it from my mom.
Plus, for the frugal performer, it won’t break the bank, tastes delicious, and is certain to impress your friends.

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