the principles of intuitive eating, eating healthy,

Life After Macros: The Principles of Intuitive Eating, Explained

The principles of intuitive eating can be challenging to undertake. Dancers Who Lift has always been committed to ensuring that dancers learn how to adequately fuel their bodies for the demanding lifestyle we lead. 

We find that a lot of dancers are under-fueling themselves, which is why we always start by teaching our dancers about macronutrients and how to track them

Both learning what your body needs and ensuring that you’re giving it what it needs is key in reaching specific physique or strength goals. 

However, tracking macros in an app can be triggering for dancers and athletes who have struggled with body image in the past. 

Luckily, macro tracking is not the only way to ensure you’re getting the nutrition you need! 

For this, we love to recommend the perfect plate method and the hand method as a means for remaining mindful about nutrition without tracking every gram consumed. 

However, for athletes that aren’t focused on specific physique goals or are in a maintenance phase, following the principles of intuitive eating can help them tune-in to the unique needs of their bodies. 

Now, before you raise your eyebrows saying, 

“Wait, but tracking macros is how I know I’ve hit my goals.”


“If I eat intuitively I’ll only chips and salsa and pasta! That’s not optimal for anyone!”

Let me tell you that studies have shown that, overtime, eating intuitively predicts better psychological and behavioral health. 

On top of that, intuitive eating is scientifically associated with lower BMI and improved dietary intake (a.k.a. Intuitive eaters chose more nutrient dense foods). 


So, What Exactly Is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is the practice of letting go of tracking and tuning-in to your body and what it’s asking for. 

The focus is on learning to listen to your body’s natural hunger cues – eating when physically hungry and stopping when full. 

As humans we are prompted on both what and when to eat via visual, social, emotional, and even through our sense of smell. 

Think about it. We eat without physical hunger cues all the time.

For example:

You show up at your local coffee shop and they’ve just pulled the baked goods out of the oven. Everything smells fresh, warm, and delicious. Suddenly, despite having had a balanced breakfast, all you can think about is eating that muffin. 

Now, there are no rules. You can eat that muffin. But the principles of intuitive eating ask you to recognize why you want to eat the muffin. 

This ensures that you have power and agency in choosing when and what to eat! 

Another example: 

It’s Saturday night and you are attending a birthday dinner at a friends house. You’re not very hungry but it is “time” for dinner and you’re literally at this person’s house for dinner. So, you sit down and eat the meal with everyone, despite not really being very hungry. 

Is this bad? No!

Eating in community with others is anthropologically proven to build relationships and strengthen emotional bonds!  

Besides, there are a lot of reasons (other than having eaten a lot that day) that can lead to a of appetite spanning from being a bit under the weather, where you are in your cycle, or experiencing higher than normal stress levels. 

Again the principles of intuitive eating simply require you to ask yourself,

Why am I being prompted to eat?” Before you make decisions about your food. 



mindfulness for self-care, mental health support for injury recovery



Okay, I’m Curious. What Are The Principles of Intuitive Eating?


Reject the diet mentality

First things first, in order to practice intuitive eating you must let go of the idea that intuitive eating is a diet. Although you may lose weight with intuitive eating, that is not the goal. 

There are no calorie or macro goals in intuitive eating. Simply learning to honor your body and as a result, learn how to adequately fuel it in a sustainable way.


Honor your hunger

Eat when you are hungry. Stop when you are full. So often we push past the point of hunger because of stress, timing, or even a belief that we “shouldn’t be hungry yet.” 

Learning to recognize hunger cues and respond to them is one of the most important principles of intuitive eating. 

Not sure what hunger cues look like?

Check out this chart:


Make peace with food

Across the board, there is no such thing as “good” and “bad” foods

Intuitive eating takes this principle very seriously. Eat what your body is asking for.

Will that always be the most nutrient dense choice? No. 

But we eat for so many reasons beyond nutrition. Food is fuel, yes. Some fuels offer protein and high amounts of energy. Others offer comfort and pleasure. 

Both forms of fuel are valuable. 


Challenge the ‘food police’

This has nothing to do with others. The principles of intuitive eating are all focused on looking inwardly. 

How many times have you said “Oh, I want to, but I shouldn’t eat that.”

Or, how many times have you said “I should eat this, but I want to eat this.”

Challenging the food police is all about recognizing that choosing to eat a sweet over chicken breast does not make you weak, and it does not mean you’ve thrown off your entire diet. 

This principle is all about removing the negative and judgmental beliefs you might hold around food choices. 

By giving yourself the foods you desire, you will more easily be able to honor your feelings of fullness


Feel your fullness

Learning when you feel full versus stuffed can be challenging – especially if you LOVE the food you’re eating. 

This is even harder if you’ve built a scarcity mindset around that favorite food. 

Studies show that restricting yourself from foods can actually lead you to overeat when they’re around. 

Think about it, if you go on vacation to Paris you’ll likely eat all the chocolate croissants and crepes you can get your hands on because they just aren’t as good here in the USA. 

When you restrict yourself from your favorite foods, you create that same type of “I-can’t-get-this-very-often” mindset. 

So, once you’ve built this trust with yourself, check in periodically throughout your meal and observe how you’re feeling. 

Is your tummy feeling slightly bloated? Are you feeling satisfied? Is your body giving you a cue to sit back away from the table?

Refer to Amber’s Chart for more fullness cues!


Discover the satisfaction factor

This principle of intuitive eating is all about pleasure. Take a moment to be grateful for your food, observe it’s texture, temperature, and flavor, the environment in which you’re eating. 

Taking the time to enjoy and experience your meal helps us feel satisfied and satiated. 


Cope with your emotions

Remember when I said intuitive eating was all about learning why you’re being prompted to eat? 

Sometimes, if we stop and listen, we learn things like: 

“Every time I get cut from an audition I feel prompted to eat. But I don’t feel that prompt when I feel good about my audition.” 

From this realization you might learn that you’re eating from a place of rejection and sadness rather than a place of celebration or accomplishment. 

Another example of emotional eating looks like,

“I find myself wanting comfort foods when i’ve had a fight with a love one.” 

While food for comfort is real, if food becomes your coping mechanism, it’s time to get curious about that response. 

Learning to cope with our stress, anxiety, rejection, and depression can help us remove food from the emotional healing. 

This allows more freedom of choice when we’re craving certain meals. 


Respect your body

Every body is different. If I followed a strict meal plan and lifting program for 6 weeks and you followed the same strict meal plan and lifting program for 6 weeks we’d still come out looking differently. 

No matter what, your body is your body. No amount of dieting will be able to remove a rib or make your femurs grow two inches. 

I know, it sounds silly! But diet culture has us believing that if we cut out this food group or do x,y,z thing, it might *appear* that we have grown 2 inches and lost two ribs!

Accepting the realities of your body brings peace to your mind. A peaceful mind means lower cortisol levels. Low cortisol levels mean less bloating, less anxiety, and better sleep. 



When it comes to exercise amidst the principles of intuitive eating it isn’t about tracking your caloric burn on your apple watch. This principle is all about striving to move your body more in search of a healthier life style. 

Exercising with an intuitive mindset means paying attention to when certain moves bring you joy. Then, use that joy to continue the activity. 

There are no rules except the ones we choose to impose upon ourselves! 

And yes, some rules are very very good. But when it comes to how you live your life on the daily? Do what makes your body feel best. 


Honor your health

This is where we start to bring in nutrition. Some people call this “gentle nutrition.”

While the principles of intuitive eating stress that you shouldn’t deny yourself of indulgences. 

Honoring your health does require you to recognize that our bodies need fruits, vegetables, proteins, fats, and whole grains to function optimally. 

Practicing intuitive eating with gentle nutrition might look like expanding your meals and snacks to be more nutritionally dense. 

For example: 

You feel a craving for salt and vinegar chips and you also recognize that you’re a little hungry. 

Serve yourself some chips and look at your plate. Ask yourself, how can I make this more nutritionally dense?

Maybe you add a few carrot sticks. 

Maybe you add some cheese slices. 

Or maybe you make yourself a protein shake because now that you think about it, you’re experiencing some brain fog. 

Honoring your health is listening to your body when it says it’s tired of eating [insert favorite food here] and actually wants something different. 


But What About My Macros? Do I throw those out?


At Dancers Who Lift, we believe knowledge is power! 

Because you understand macros, have so much knowledge about what type of nutrition fuels your body best!

Use that knowledge to honor your health as you move through your intuitive eating journey. 

Allow yourself to recognize when your body says “I need some more protein” or “I’m craving some healthy avocado fats!”

Mostly, let yourself be free of restriction on this journey and get to know your body. 

You might learn that your body needs more carbohydrates when you’re ovulating. 

You might learn that you’ve only eaten meals because it was the “time to eat that meal.”

But you might also learn that your body knows what you need and it’s trying to tell you, if only you would listen. 


Want some more tips about how to honor your body? Give these blog posts a read: Keeping Things Cool: The Benefits of Deliberate Cold Exposure for Dancers, Training Tip Tuesday: Sleeping Positions, Full Body Thirty Minute Workout (aka perfection!)


probiotics and fiber

Probiotics and Fiber: Your Gut’s Best Friends

As dancers who cross train by lifting weights, we take nutrition very seriously. That’s why, today, we are talking bout the importance of probiotics and fiber.

There are a few bases to cover here, so let’s just dive right in, shall we?


What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are microorganisms that have health benefits when consumed or applied to the body. These microorganisms are what we call “good bacteria” and they aide in food digestion, attacking disease-causing cells, and producing vitamins. 

The most common sources of probiotics are yogurt, cultured buttermilk, and cheese. 

However, there are a lot of foods that have probiotics due to fermentation like, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, pickles, and raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar. 

Probiotics are particularly helpful in solving tummy troubles like IBS or digestion struggles due to travel. (Looking at you all my tour bugs!)


What is Fiber?

Fiber is the roughage of plant foods that our body isn’t able to digest or absorb. Because fiber isn’t digested, it passes (pretty much intact) through your small intestine and colon. That’s why it’s so important to chew our food thoroughly!

There are two kinds of fiber, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. 

Soluble fiber is dissolves in water and makes a kind of gel. This kind of fiber helps with cholesterol and glucose levels. It’s found in oats, peas, beans, aple, citrus fruits, and barley. 

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and therefore promotes the movement of “stuff” through your digestive system. This kind of fiber is beneficial if you’re experiencing constipation or irregular bowel movements. Insoluble fiber is found in whole-wheat flour, bran, nuts, beans, and veggies!

The recommended daily intake of fiber is between 20-30 grams of fiber per day. Reaching this goal definitely takes practice, but by adding an extra scoop of veggies to your plate, opting for whole wheat, or using fruit as a snack can easily boost your fiber intake!



Free energy estimator - macro calculator for dancers



What Are The benefits of Probiotics and Fiber?

As mentioned earlier, probiotics and fiber work together to regulate our digestive system, and promote healthy bacteria growth that boosts our immune system protecting us from infectious diseases

In fact, the combination of dietary fiber and probiotics increases the health of the gut microbiome so much that it’s used a means of cancer prevention and treatment!

The really fun bonus is that this study found that the combination of probiotics and dietary fiber induced significant weight loss! 


I’m Sold.  How Do I Add Probiotics and Fiber into My Diet?

As mentioned before, you can do this by being intentional about including the amounts fibrous and probiotic foods. 

Now, increasing your fiber intake is fairly simple. It just requires a bit of intentionality, such as swapping out your white bread for whole grain or adding extra fruits and veggies to each of your meals. 

Because probiotic foods are bit more specific, some people prefer to take a supplement in the morning in addition to adding probiotic foods into their diets. 

But if supplements aren’t for you, try adding in more yogurts, use apple cider vinegar in your salad dressings, or enjoy a lovely cheese plate! 

At the end of the day, getting plenty of probiotics and fiber only requires a tiny bit on intentionality when you’re planning your meals. 

Want some tips on intentional meal planning? Our Body Mechanics program actually comes with monthly meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists to ensure you’re getting everything you need!


Not ready to join the family on that level? That’s okay! Here are a few other blog posts we think you might love: Should dancers drink daily greens?, Lucky Number Seven: A Full-Body Workout Routine, Honor Your Limites: 7 Types of Boundaries and How to Set Them

resistance training results, conditioning workouts for dancers

Hear From DWL’s Body Mechanics: Real Resistance Training Results from Dancers Just Like You

Resistance training for dancers has been a misunderstood topic for decades. And, finally, it seems that dancers are learning that resistance training results in more control, higher extensions, higher jumps, safer landings, and endless turns. 

Dancers Who Lift has been here for dancers since day one. But, like the industry, we’ve grown and evolved. The Body Mechanics program not only trains strong dancers, but empowers them with invaluable knowledge about their bodies. 

In previous blogs we talked about who Body Mechanics is for and what Body Mechanics entails.

But today we thought we’d let you hear it straight from the dancers’ mouths!


We know the Body Mechanics resistance training results speak for themselves, so we thought we’d let them!

So, without further ado, lets hear what they have to say.  


Amelia Foreman has been part of the Dancer’s Who Lift crew since 2019 and she says that DWL had a huge impact on her working professionally post COVID: 

“Thankfully, through the 2020 shut down, DWL was there with workouts to keep me strong through the lockdown. After that I danced in a ballet company for a year and did DWL workouts four days a week and it was the strongest I ever felt in my dancing. Now I am currently dancing with a modern dance company that does a lot of Pilobolus like non-traditional partnering. And I have finally gotten back in the gym more consistently.  Thankfully DWL has always been there to cheer me on, to keep me strong and feel great in my body!”


Claire Peoples loves how effortless it is to incorporate the program into her fitness routine:

“Being a professional dancer with another full time job, it can be very hard to figure out how to cross train! I had been taking a lot of group fitness classes at my gym but I didn’t feel like they were helping me. Those classes can help the average person with strength, but it doesn’t mean they will help a dancer’s technique! DWL has really helped me since I started a few months ago. I love how the workouts are laid out for me and I can follow the exercises on my fitness watch. Amber and the trainer’s technique videos also really help me to know that I am doing the exercises correctly.”



personal training for dancers,online personal training, resistance training for dancers



Out of all the resistance training results seen from Body Mechanics, feeling strong and secure in your dancing is one of our favorite . 

We attribute it to our highly specialized trainers who focus on the why behind the exercises they program. 

Jessica Townshend spoke to this a bit when we asked her about her resistance training results.

“I joined DWL because I’m a dancer (my main hobby and my self care release from my job as a therapist).  I’d been looking for real cross-training for dancers because I was frustrated by my limitations and knew there had to be ways to improve that weren’t just running routines and practicing turns over and over and over and over again.  DWL is where I found what I’d been craving!  A way to truly develop the muscles I needed to develop and a mindset about weightlifting that I’d never had before.  Body Mechanics explains the exercises in ways that make sense to my dancer brain.  Since I started, I’ve noticed so many improvements.  Last June, I had to do a double on stage with no real prep or way to build momentum.  It was on what I’ve called my “bad side”/”bad leg” and I freaking NAILED IT!  While I was on stage, I had a moment of worry, but then I executed that jazz double pirouette and kept right on dancing!  Not even a moment of hesitation…My kicks are getting higher!  My turns are more solid.  I can finally feel all the muscles I need to feel to truly pull my shoulder blades down and back.  Things that PT told me to do but I couldn’t, I’ve finally learned through DWL and Body Mechanics.”


Sara Edwards listed how different her dancing felt as one of the resistance training results she’s seen since joining Body Mechanics:

“Recently, I went back to ballet classes after two years off; I was so surprised at how strong I was, and how powerful my movements were! I definitely feel stronger, both mentally and physically, and I’m eager to tackle my next dance class!”

Something all of our Body Mechanics had in common was their appreciation for the flexibility within the Body Mechanics program. 

“I have absolutely nothing but praise for this program! I was unsure of how to spend my time off between [cruise] contracts so decided to give Body Mechanics a try. It allowed me the flexibility to rest, but to also build for my upcoming contract. I got back into my shows onboard with ease and felt even better than the contract before! I find now, I have better stamina and more power behind my dancing which has been the absolute most exciting feeling.” – Annie Dauzat


“Mel’s encouragement has helped me face those challenges!  Now I can lift enough weight that my parents are impressed when we go to the gym together!  I’m starting to get biceps I can flex!  And what’s even better is that if life is kicking my butt it my body isn’t in the right place to do certain exercises, Body Mechanics gives me options for body weight exercises and Mel is super encouraging about listening to my body and taking a break when needed.  The program is always there for me to come back to and skate brings new challenges.  I’m honestly SO glad I discovered DWL.  Now I can hold my own on stage with fellow dancers who are in performing companies and am even getting encouraged to try out for one of those performing companies.  DWL and Body Mechanics make working out and cross training make sense!  And they make it easy because I don’t have to guess at the exercises I should do.  I highly recommend Body Mechanics for anyone and everyone considering trying DWL!!” – Jessica Townshend


“I’ve been a Body Mechanics member for a while now and I can say it’s one of the best choices I’ve made for myself as dancer, and as a human being! I love the programming and how flexible and varied it is. My life is very busy, so I don’t always have time to get to the gym, but the programs organized perfectly for both the gym and home, so I never miss out!” – Sarah Edwards

What’s the most surprising of all the resistance training results seen by our Body Mechanics?


Each of our Body Mechanics interviewed about this resistance training program for dancers spoke about how impactful having a community of dancers working toward the same goal was.

“It’s also so nice to be a part of a community of dancers who are in all different parts of life, but committed to the same goals. The workouts are great, their knowledge is unmatched and the support is so refreshing.” – Annie Dauzat 


 “I love how I get to chat with other people about milestones and get guidance from all the coaches.”  – Jessica Townshend


“I love how I get to chat with other people about milestones and get guidance from all the coaches.” – Sarah Edwards


Let’s Wrap it Up

There are so many resistance training results dancers will benefit from, whether they lift weights with DWL or not. 

But what sets Dancers Who Lift and Body Mechanics apart (aside from coaches, CEOs, and Administrators who are professional dancers themselves) is the unbreakable, unshakable encouragement found in the Dancers Who Lift community. 

The access to the private chat thread  and Facebook group of fellow dancers in the Body Mechanics program is invaluable. This thread has been known to help non-cooks hack meal prepping, support chronic over-trainers learn to rest, and even help people find sublets or doctors in their area!

If you’re thinking about joining Body Mechanics, or one of the other DWL programs, but you’re still not sure, just shoot us a DM on instagram @dancerswholift, or send us an email at We are always happy to answer questions, concerns, and point you in a direction that we think will be benefit you. 

We hope to hear from you soon!

Want to do some more research first? 

Check out these free workouts, training tips and more from the Dancers Who Lift Blog: 10 Exercises For Dancers That Will Transform Your Technque, Leg Day: Perform At Your Own Risk, The Secret to Warming Up for Dance Auditions… The Right Way!

group personal training, personal training for dancers, resistance training for dancers

What Is Body Mechanics?: What You Can Expect from This Group Personal Training Program

Okay, you’ve heard us talk a lot about Body Mechanics, but what exactly is Body Mechanics? What exactly is a group personal training program? What if you have some specific needs? Will you still be able to speak with a trainer one on one?

We’ll answer all of those questions and more in this complete breakdown of the Body Mechanics, Dancers Who Lift’s group personal training program


How the Training Works

Body Mechanics uses a unique “Strength for Skills Method” that focuses on strengthening your body with specific stage skills in mind. 

And no, this doesn’t mean you’ll be doing weighted développés while balancing on a Bosu ball. 

This means, that you’ll learn how strengthening your end range of motion (the bottoms of your squats and lunges) will help your extensions gain new heights. 

You’ll learn that building stability and strength in your adductors and abductors (hips) will support endless balances.

There will be entire weeks dedicated to strengthening and stabilizing you so multiple turns aren’t even a question anymore. 

Each of these six-week resistance training units are followed by a three-week conditioning and stamina unit designed to sky rocket your endurance and performance capabilities. 



personal training for dancers,online personal training, resistance training for dancers




As for this being a “group personal training program” it won’t necessarily feel that way. 

Yes, you will be doing the same workouts as DWL’s other Body Mechanics. But you’ll have access to one-on-one communication with DWL’s certified personal trainers (who just so happen to also be professional dancers!).

In one-on-one DM’s with your coaches you can ask specific questions about nutrition, exercise adjustments, or whatever else might be needing attention. 

But the real bonus to group personal training is the fact that, with our app, you have access to the Body Mechanics private thread. Ask a question to the group and get answers or encouragement from other dancers going through the same process. 

For example, learn how other busy dancers are hitting their protein goals (even if they’re vegan!) 

Ask about how people are working through a particularly challenging workout. 

Or even ask location specific questions like recommendations for a nearby gym, or restaurant! 

Dancers Who Lift has dancers all over the globe that are eager to encourage and cheer one another on so, odds are, someone has an answer!


What if I Don’t Have a Gym Membership?

Totally fine!

As many of the Dancers Who Lift community is on tour or working at theatres away from their homes, this program is designed to be scalable.

That means if you’re unable to get to a gym, we have home workouts readily available with the same goals in mind. 

It’s important to us that no matter your situation you have access to top tier training because, as a dancer, you are a top tier athlete.  


What Does Body Mechanics look like week to week?

This resistance training program features 3 workouts a week and comes with two auxiliary workouts should you want to get extra gym time in. 

It also includes warm-ups for your workouts and cardio workouts incase dance class isn’t on the forefront of your schedule.

The best part? Every single one of these workouts comes with detailed “how-to” videos for the exercises in your workouts so you’ll never feel lost. Not only that, you get an entire library of exercises at you finger tips in case you need or want to make an adjustment. 

And if you are lost, send a form video to your coach in the DMs! There they can give you a break down of how to optimize your form or suggest alternative exercises.

Want to understand why you’re doing something? Your coaches can help explain that too.


See what I mean?

Despite being “group” personal training, Dancers Who Lift does not forget the fact that it is personal training. 

We care about each individual dancer that works through our program. Because we believe their success is our success.


Yummy, Quick, Budget-Friendly Nutrition

Every month, you’ll receive a recipe guide complete with daily breakdowns of what meals to eat when and a shopping list for the month. This makes sticking to your healthy eating goals a breeze!

Not into pre-planned meals? No problem. You’ll also learn about macros and how to track them to ensure you’re fueling your body for success. 

No matter what and how you like to eat, you’ll still be able to work with and learn from the nutritional guidance of the Body Mechanics program. 


The Real Win of Body Mechanics

You see, the thing about the Body Mechanics group personal training program at Dancers Who Lift is that it can teach anyone something new. 

Whether you’ve been lifting weights for 10 years or 10 minutes this program is designed to educate and empower dancers and athletes to train their bodies for the rigorous demands of their lifestyle. 

The other big win of Body Mechanics? It’s priced realistically. 

No, scratch that, it’s priced with the budget of performers in mind. 

You see, this group personal training program complete with 5 workouts per week, cardio blasts, warm-ups, recipe guides, shopping lists, and daily direct messaging access to a certified personal trainer, only costs $2.19 per day!

I don’t know about you, but that is literally cheaper than my daily coffee. 


And here’s the thing, this program isn’t about changing your life an insane amount. 

As a dancer you’re likely already working out daily. 

You’re likely already conscious of what you eat. (maybe too conscious)

You’re already taking steps to build the dancer life of your dreams. 

We just want to take what you’re already doing and optimize it so it’s sustainable and effective. 


So what do you think?

Might you decide to stop dieting? 

Might you decide to stop relying on your apple watch to track your burnt calories?

And, maybe, you’ll decide to start training like the professional athlete that you are.

Join the latest session of Body Mechanics today, we’d love to have you join our team. 


Not sure if it’s a good fit? Give “Who Is Body Mechanics For? A Resistance Training Program for Dancers (and Beyond!)” a read. 


drink daily greens

Should Dancers Drink Daily Greens?

We’ve all seen the ads. You know, the one with the perky woman in a matching workout set talking about how drinking daily greens has changed their life. They’re skinnier, less bloated, and experiencing more energy than ever before!

It seems too good to be true, so you scroll past. But then you see a post from a more trusted source. A theatre TikTokker whom you knew before they got internet famous. You watch them  swig down their greens lemonade and wonder, “maybe there is something to this?”

Well, like you, we were curious. So we’ve done a deep dive into what the whole truth is about whether or not dancers should drink daily greens. 


How Did We Even Get Here?

According to the CDC only roughly 11% of adults are meeting the recommended daily intake for fruits and veggies.  That’s a pretty abysmal number, especially when you consider that vegetables, though nutritionally dense, tend to be calorically low. You’d think we’d be powering vegetables!

Alas, many people struggle to enjoy their vegetables and thus spawned the market for daily greens supplements. 

And, honestly, with the amount of vitamins and minerals found in leafy greens, veggies, and fruits, plus the fiber component of these foods make the benefits of drinking daily greens *seem* like a no brainer. 

But, then again…is it?

The reality is, because the popularity of drinking daily greens is relatively new, there is very little clinical research about the benefits of daily greens powder supplements. 

However, there is lots of research about fruits, veggies, fiber and their nutritional benefits. 


Let’s Talk About Whole Fruits and Veggies For a Moment:

The Nutrients

We all know on some level that consuming fruits and vegetables has loads of benefits. From vitamins and minerals, to gut health and the pre/probiotic nature of certain fibrous foods the benefits are almost endless. 

In fact, this study shows that not all fiber from fruits, veggies, and legumes are created equal! Yet they all provide important benefits to our health.

Have you ever been told that how you cook your vegetables affects the nutrients available to you? It’s true! Different vegetables cooked in different ways result in different levels of nutrients available to the body after consumption. 

This study showed that all cooking methods of broccoli except steaming resulted in significant decrease nutrient levels! Does this mean you should only steam your veggies? NO! But it does lead us to the next question. 

If simply cooking vegetables changes the amount of nutrients, just how much are we losing while processing these veggies into a powdered scoop of daily greens?


The Fiber

One of the biggest benefits to eating enough daily greens, and one that might tempt you to drink daily greens is the fiber! Fiber is hugely important to our health. Studies have shown that getting your daily fiber intake can help prevent cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and more. 

Not to mention the fact that certain types of fiber are great for promoting gut health. This is because certain types of fiber like that found in beans and legumes are fermentable. 

Why is this a good thing? Well, fermentable fibers require your gut bacteria to break them down, which promotes good gut health, through  pre/pro-biotic benefits!

That said, let’s compare the fiber contents of some popular greens powders and common whole foods.

After all, if we are going spend the money to drink daily greens, shouldn’t we know if it’s actually making a dent in our daily fiber intake?


Here are a few popular greens juices and their fiber content: 

One serving of  AG1 (Athletic Greens) contains 2g fiber.

A serving of Live it  Up Greens contains 0.3g fiber.

One serving of Kaged Greens contains 1g fiber.

Now, Transparent Labs Prebiotic Greens has the most with 6g of fiber.


And here are some fruits and veggies and their fiber content:

A one cup serving of broccoli contains 5g fiber. 

A small orange contains 3g fiber.

One cup of black beans is a whopping 15g fiber

One cup of raspberries contains 8g fiber. 


And don’t forget about whole grains!

One cup of whole wheat pasta is 6g fiber.

A serving of air-popped popcorn is 3g fiber.

One cup of quinoa has 5g fiber.


Overall, whole foods have a higher fiber content. 

What’s more is, some of these greens powders cost as much as $79 for 30 servings. That’s $2.63 per serving. That’s often more than an entire bag of frozen vegetables! (and yes, frozen vegetables are just as nutritiously dense as fresh ones!)


Okay, Okay. So TLDR, Should I Drink Daily Greens?

Here’s the thing, we are always going to recommend getting as much of your nutrition from whole foods. Not only do whole foods offer the most bang for your buck nutritiously, but they also offer you more dietary fiber. 

However, if you drink daily greens and you like it, it’s not doing you any harm. In fact, drinking daily greens as a multivitamin, could be beneficial. However, if that’s why you’re drinking the greens, make sure the label tells you exactly what you’re getting. 

At the end of the day, greens powders and multivitamins and even protein powders are supplements. They are designed to supplement your diet, not be your diet. 

Bottom line? 

If you find you’re missing the mark on fiber, your best bet is to add more fibrous foods into your daily diet. 

If you’re finding gaps in certain micronutrients then maybe take a look at a few different greens supplements and select one that fits your supplemental needs.

At the end of the day, drinking daily greens won’t hurt you. But for the investment, I wouldn’t say they are a necessity the way protein or creatine supplements might be. 


So, what do you think? Are you going to the store for some salad fixings? You going to add some black beans to that taco bowl? I hope so!

Whether you drink daily greens or not, there is so much value in increasing your fruit and vegetable intake!

And hey, if you’re wondering “How do I add all of this into my diet and still reach my health goals?” 

Reach out to us. 

Between Body Mechanics, The Embodied Artist, and an entire team of trainers committed to helping you learn how to fuel your body, I know we can get you the answer!



Did you find this blog helpful? Give these posts a read: The Pros and Cons of Creatine: Busting the Myths and Revealing the Facts, Leg Day: Perform At Your Own Risk, Training Tip Tuesday: The B-Stance Squat

The Endocannabinoid System: A Guest Post by Kaisha Cabrera

Cannabis is commonly known. But have you heard of our endogenous cannabinoid system? It’s called the ECS, short for endocannabinoid system, and it’s our body’s largest neuromodulator system.

It functions as our body’s balance, working to keep almost every physiological process in homeostasis. It’s comprised of endogenous cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors , and enzymes.

Endocannabinoid deficiency is a clinical deficit in endocannabinoid system function. This leads to various diseases and issues.

These issues include chronic pain, dysfunctional immune system, fatigue, and mood imbalances. The most common related conditions to
endocannabinoid deficiency include migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and psychological disorders.



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So, what exactly are cannabinoids?

First, there are three kinds of cannabinoids:

endogenous (inside body)

phyto-cannabinoids (produced by plants)

synthetic cannabinoids (made in the lab)

Endocannabinoids are lipid-based neurotransmitters naturally produced in the body. They help with functions such as sleep, memory, metabolism, appetite, learning, pain, and more.

The first endocannabinoids discovered (and the most studied!) include anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol (2-AG).

There are quite a few more of these, all working together to create an entourage effect.

What is anandamide?

Ananda is the Sanskrit word for “happiness, pleasure, joy, and bliss”.  Which makes good sense, because Anandamide is known as our bliss molecule and it’s part of our brain’s reward system, along with 2-AG.

One particularly interesting thing about anandamide is its relationship to exercise.

Often it’s said that  “Runner’s High” or the feeling of euphoria after working out is due to endorphins. However, endorphins cannot pass the blood-brain barrier.

As a result, recent scientific data supports the possibility that it’s actually caused by anandamide being released.

Okay, so what’s 2-AG?

2-AG is neuroprotective and is important in regulating neural inflammation (think of neurological disorders like Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, and Alzheimer’s Disease). Human breast milk contains 2-AG in high concentrations.


Tell me about the cannabinoid receptors…

The cannabinoid receptors are called CB1 and CB2. Think of these as locks and keys.

Cannabinoid receptors are largely found in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, immune cells, and gut, and they work to regulate hormone activity.

CB1 receptors are densely found in the central nervous system (CNS), while CB2 receptors are mainly associated with our immune system. Although both receptors can be found in other areas of the brain and body.

Where do we find Endocannabinoids?

A few of the main enzymes for the endocannabinoid system are FAAH (fatty acid amide hydrolase), COX-2, and MAGL (monoacylglycerol Lipase) which break down and degrade the endocannabinoids.

Now with some of the basics of the endocannabinoid system out of the way, how can you help balance
your ECS?

Balancing the endocannabinoid system is largely dependent on nutrition, stress management, and pain relief.

Because our endocannabinoids are lipid based, it’s important to work on your dietary fats, namely your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio and having anti-inflammatory fats as a regular part of your nutrition.

Omega-3 foods include:

  • Olives and Olive Oil
  • Nuts and seeds (hemp seeds, anyone?)
  • Fatty fish like sardines, salmon, and tuna
  •  Avocados and avocado oil

Additionally, you’ll want to focus on increasing your fiber intake and antioxidant-rich foods, as well as balancing your macronutrients.

There are dietary phyto-cannabinoids; some working by directly activating the CB1 and CB2 receptors, some inhibiting the FAAH enzyme to raise anandamide level, while some have the benefits of being antioxidants.

Nutrients in foods like cacao and dark chocolate work to inhibit the FAAH enzyme and contain anandamide. Other parts of foods helping inhibit FAAH are polyphenols like resveratrol. Wine, grape juice, peanuts, curcumin, and turmeric are great sources of polyphenols!

Stress management in all its forms can help balance the ECS. Because the ECS is in our skin.

Generally speaking, touch, like massages and osteopathic manipulative therapy, and fulfilling all our senses help the endocannabinoid system. This is due to the boost of oxytocin released.

Other ways to boost oxytocin include:

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Listening to music
  • Cuddling and hugging
  • Laughing

To help you get some ideas on how to incorporate hemp seeds into your diet, here are a couple recipes:

endocannabinoid system support recipes

endocannabinoid system support recipes

Russo EB. Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Reconsidered: Current Research Supports the Theory in
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