Training Technique Tip: Mixed Grip Deadlift

Training Tip Tuesday: Mixed Grip Deadlift

Have you ever gone for a heavy deadlift and found that the thing holding you back is not your leg strength, but your grip strength? I want to enlighten you with the magical deadlift technique of the Mixed Grip Deadlift!

What is a mixed grip deadlift you ask?

A mixed grip is a form adjustment used to accommodate grip strength when deadlifting heavy weights. To perform, simply grip the bar with one hand pronated (overhand) and one hand supinated (underhand) on the barbell. Then, perform your deadlift as normal.

Can’t quite picture it? Check out this video for a demonstration!

Using a mixed grip is great when you are still working on your grip strength but want to continue to challenge your lower body. It’s also a great tool when lifting Personal Record weights. This is because the alternating grips creates torque and prevents the barbell from rolling in the palms. 

Many dancers find a mixed grip deadlift to be a great option since their lower body is so strong but grip strength doesn’t come as naturally for them.



personal training for dancers



However, use mixed grip deadlifts wisely.

Alternate which hand is over hand and which hand is underhand to avoid creating muscle imbalances. Additionally, continue using a regular, overhand grip for lifts well within your grip strength. Both of these tips will ensure your grip strength continues to improve while allowing you to perform heavier lower body lifts. 

So, what do you think? Will you try a mixed grip deadlift next time you increase the weight on your deadlifts?

I hope you will! And If you do, let us know how it goes @Dancerswholift on Instagram and Tiktok.

Want more tips for reaching your fitness goals? Give these blogs a read: Building Power with Poise: Dumbbell & Band Workout for Dancers, The Do’s and Don’ts of Strength Training for Dancers, Protein Packed! How To Eat More Protein Daily

Dancers Who Lift: More Than Just Resistance Training for Dancers

Resistance training for dancers is a long misunderstood subject. But the reality is, weightlifting for dancers (otherwise known as resistance training) is exactly the thing that will take your dancing to the next level. 

That’s why Dancers Who Lift is committed to providing top-tier resistance training for dancers. 

**Don’t believe dancers should train this way? Give “Why Should Dancers Lift Weights?” a read, then come back and join me here.**

Now, that we are on the same page, let’s talk about why we are so passionate about resistance training for dancers here at Dancers Who Lift. 

First of all, resistance training is considered a low impact workout, meaning it’s easy on your joints while still giving you an incredible calorie burn. A recipe for the *perfect* cross-training tool for dancers.

And, if you read the blog mentioned earlier, you learned that resistance training can increase your metabolic rate, without negatively impacting your mobility or flexibility. On top of that, it can increase bone density which prevents stress fractures.


What Now?

Okay, so now that you are on the resistance training for dancers band wagon, the question is where do you start?

Anything is better than nothing, but we recommend working with a trainer. 


Because accountability is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to creating a consistent workout regemine. 

The reality is, there are a lot of really excellent personal trainers out there who can teach you how to lift weights. 

But we know Dancers Who Lift has something extra special. 

You see, anyone can write you a program and call it “resistance training for dancers.” But we are uniquely qualified to teach dancers about resistance training because we are a team of professional and retired professional dancers ourselves. We get it in a way few others can.  

And yes, Dancers Who Lift offers memberships, one-onone training programs, and a load of freebies. But what really sets us apart is our holistic approach to training dancers. 

You see, we know that dancers are not just dancers – they’re human beings. 

We care about their mental and emotional health, as much as we care about their physical health. 

We offer mindfulness resources, blogs about goal setting and journaling, give you tools for stress management, all on top of the top-tier nutrition and resistance training programs. 

But why gab about it when I could just show you?

Below is a complete breakdown of everything Dancers Who Lift offers to their community. 


But before we dive into the offers, let’s talk bout who Dancers Who Lift is for.

We cater to serving multi-passionate performers. Whether you’re in-training, pre-professional, professional, an art educator, retired, or even a recreational artist you are welcomed and celebrated within our community.

As working and retired performers ourselves, our team understands the uniques stresses, pressures, and crazy lifestyles that come with the artist’s life.

But we don’t stop there. As mentioned before, Dancers Who Lift is more than just resistance training for dancers. 

From dancers to actors to gymnasts, contortionists, vocal athletes, skaters and more, we can help you reach your athletic, aesthetic, and performance based goals.

If your goals include moving faster, improved flexibility, enhanced balance, and unshakable confidence then YES we can help you.


“But, I used to dance when I was young. I’m not really an athlete or a dancer anymore.”


At the end of the day,  we want like-minded humans connecting and supporting each other all across the globe.


We want to establish a community of hardworking, kind, and inclusive folks all with a simple core belief in the domino effect:

“When you’re empowered, you’ll empower others. Then they’ll empower others. And so on. And that’s how we’ll (sneakily) change the world.”


See? More than just resistance training for dancers. We are changing the world!


The Offers:

Body Mechanics Membership: 

Body Mechanics is a program designed to make resistance training for dancers more accessible and most of all educational. We poured our heart and soul into crafting a superior yet budget-friendly resistance training program that homes in on and tackles the specific challenges you encounter as a performer.  

Body Mechanics isn’t just about enhancing your dance skills. We have a vision to arm you with a comprehensive understanding of fitness. 

Why? So you feel confident picking up that barbell while understanding and witnessing firsthand how it’s transforming your performance. 

So , What’s included in Body Mechanics?

Body Mechanics includes a 6 week “Strength For Skills” Method which includes 3 strength training focused workouts per week, plus 2 auxiliary workouts, warm-ups and cardio. These 6 weeks are followed by 3-weeks of conditioning and stamina blasts designed to enhance your performance and skill level. You’ll also receive monthly nutrition guides to complement your training efforts.

Worried about knowing how to do the exercises? Not here!

For each phase of Body Mechanics you’ll not only receive detailed instructions to help you follow the workouts with ease, but you’ll get access to our exercise library filled with how-tos and form tips. 

And if that still sounds like too much work, simply DM your coach for personalized feedback and instruction.


Don’t have access to a gym? No problem. Body Mechanics can provide home workouts as well. 


And if all that’s not enough, you have access to our in-app thread connecting you to the greater DWL community which is eager to help and encourage you in your journey!


And I definitely saved the best for last, it costs less than $3 per day. At $68 a month, joining the Body Mechanics team will ring in at $2.19 per day!

Now that’s a deal! 


So if you’re ready to join the team, sign up here and join the fam!



personal training for dancers




Embodied Artist Academy:

The Embodied Artist Academy, like Body Mechanics is also more than resistance training for dancers. As you might’ve guessed by it’s name, Embodied Artist Academy is actually an educational method. 

It’s designed to not only help you achieve your athletic and aesthetic goals but to give you the tools to sustainably maintain them or change them according to the ever changing demands of our world. 


Who is Embodied Artist Academy for?

This program is designed for the person who feels their dance career is stalling or hitting a wall.

It’s for the person who feels slower not just in their body but that opportunities are harder to come by. 

For the person who is stuck in a cycle of negative self-talk and misses how they functioned when they were younger. 

It’s also for the retired performer who has a desk job.


What is it exactly?

Embodied artist is a 90-day, one-on-one online coaching program designed to turn frustrated, fatigued dancers into strong, energized, and confident artists. 

The Embodied Artist Academy is educational at heart, providing 6 In-depth Units designed to help you grow into the most optimal version of you- not just your most optimal fitness level. You’ll deep dive into understanding nutrition, training and changing your mindset, on top of being pushed to challenge yourself physically. 

But don’t worry, you won’t be doing it alone. You’ll have direct access to a dedicated coach to ask every question, share every goal, and get feedback and encouragement at any time. 


Sounds good, what’s included?

Should you choose to apply to the Embodied Artist Academy you’ll receive 90 days (12 weeks!) of fitness and flexibility workouts designed specifically for you and your needs. 

You’ll gain access to the Dancers Who Lift App to keep track of workout videos and learn form techniques for resistance training for dancers. 

Along with a completely personalized nutrition directive, you’ll receive the Embodied Artist Nutrition Guide to help you incorporate healthy habits into your diet and build your confidence cooking healthy meals. 

You’ll watch and learn from 6 In-Depth Video Units diving deep into nutrition, training, and mindset for dancers, by dancers.

And you’ll do all this along side your dedicated coach who is there to hold you accountable, learn about and tailor to your specific needs and goals, and encourage you. 

On top of all of this you’ll gain access to over 150 masterclasses, follow along workouts, and pre-recorded lessons.

You basically get a dedicated coach plus an entire anthology to grow and learn and challenge yourself endlessly. 

Again, Dancers Who Lift is way more than resistance training for dancers. It is a tool box with every tool you could imagine. 

Oh, and did I mention that the Embodied Artist Academy also comes with season recipe guides, live community coaching calls to learn and connect with others, and two implementation and direction calls?

Yea, it’s THAT comprehensive. 

Think you might be interested? Apply for your slot in the academy here



personal training for dancers




Okay, but what if I’m not ready to join anything formally?

I totally understand not being ready to join anything off the bat. Whether you’re on a budget or still researching the options for resistance training for dancers it’s okay if you’re not ready to join Body Mechanics or Embodied Artist Academy. 

Dancers Who Lift has TONS of free resources. 

We have a free Minset Reset Course led by our amazing coach Kiersten. This is designed to help you refocus your mind and help you create healthy mental health habits!

Would you consider yourself a jumper or a turner? Whether you’re trying to land a your first double or master a challenging turn sequence for a show, the free Five Day Turn Course will have you spinning like a top. 

If you’ve got your resistance training on lockdown but you need help breaking down your macros, you can use our Energy Estimator at any time to create a simple nutrition outline designed just for you. 

But the real freebie everyone is overlooking is the Dancers Who Lift Blog

This blog posts weekly workouts, training technique tips, nutritional info, and more. It is a resource chock-full of helpful information for dancers, athletes, and humans alike. 

Bonus? Reading the blog will give you good insight into how we like to operate and think here at Dancers Who Lift.

So, take your time, think it over. But we hope you’ll join us on Instagram, Tiktok, and the DWL blog while you do!

Because most of all, we want to connect with other likeminded humans, who prefer to dance their way through life. 

BCAAs, Supplements, What are BCAAs

The ABCs of BCAAs: The Science-Based Facts, Revealed

If you’ve been in the fitness world for a while you’ve likely heard people talk about BCAAs, pre-workouts, and other supplements designed to give you energy, boost performance, and stimulate muscle growth.


And with this buzz about BCAAs comes a slurry of questions like, 

What are BCAAs?

Are BCAA supplements worth it?

Should I be taking BCAAs?

We’re going to tackle these questions and more as we dive into the ABCs of BCAAs (see what I did there?). 


First things First, What Are BCAAs?

BCAAs=Branched-Chain Amino Acids

What are Branched-Chain Amino Acids?


Branched-chain amino acids are a group of three essential amino acids- leucine, isoleucine, and valine- that are “burned” for energy and aid in building muscle tissue protein. 

Because of their role in building muscle tissue, BCAAs are excellent at preventing D.O.M.S. especially when eaten before and after exercise. 

The thing about BCAAs is that your body does not manufacture them. They must be consumed. 

And this leads us right to our next question.


If I Don’t Take BCAA Supplements, How Do I Consume Them?

BCAAs are naturally occurring in a high-protein diet. Yes, this means that you can get enough BCAAs to support an active life without adding in the supplement – though there may be other benefits to using a supplement depending on your goals. 


Here’s a list of foods high in BCAAs. You might be surprised how many foods on this list you’re already consuming! 

  • Why, Milk, and Soy Proteins (Yes, including Tofu and Tempeh!)
  • Beef, Poultry, Fish, and Eggs
  • Chickpeas, Lentils, Corn, Beans, Pumpkin Seeds
  • Whole Wheat, Brown Rice
  • Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Pistachios, Cashews

If you’re looking at this list and thinking, “Gee, that’s most of the foods I eat.”

Yes. Correct. If you are eating intentionally to fuel your body for dancing, performing, and lifting, you’re likely getting all of the BCAAs you need from your diet. 


So Why Do People Take BCAA Supplements?

This is where we get into the nitty-gritty.

For a long time, people believed that taking BCAA supplements before a workout was a great way to speed up muscle growth because Leucine (one of the amino acids in BCAAs) is an integral player in muscle tissue growth. 

However, studies have shown that, despite common belief, athletes who use  BCAAs as a pre-workout saw a decrease rather than an increase in protein synthesis.

Instead, combining BCAAs with WHEY protein creates a complete protein that has shown to increase muscle protein synthesis



personal training for dancers



But If I Get BCAAs In My Diet, Why Add Them to My Protein?

The thing BCAAs do very well, outside of preventing D.O.M.S., is increasing your athletic performance by keeping your energy levels high. 

You see, these supplements decrease the amount of Serotonin your body produces during a workout which prevents fatigue. 


What does this mean? 

It means you’ll be able to work out harder and longer with the immediate support of BCAAs than you would without it.


However, use this power with wisdom as this added intensity without the support of WHEY protein and a well-fueled diet can lead to a decrease in muscle protein synthesis.


So… TLDR What Should I Do?

It all depends on your goals. 

If you are working tirelessly to build muscle, it may be best to get your pre-workout energy from quick energy sources like an apple, honey, or even a cup of coffee. 

However, if you are eating a balanced diet and are struggling with stamina and muscle recovery during and after your workouts, BCAA supplements could be beneficial for a season. 


At the end of the day, we always recommend that you try to get all of your important nutrients from whole foods. If you’re eating the protein and fiber required of the professional athlete you are, you likely don’t need to add BCAAs to your supplement regimen. 

Want some more insight into your nutrition needs? Check out Body Mechanics. A fully realized personal training program designed to teach you while you train.

core strength, ab workout, knee hovers, training tips

Training Tip Tuesday: Knee Hovers for Core Strengthening

HAPPY TRAINING TIP TUESDAY!! Today we are talking about core strengthening! 

Do you remember growing up and doing all those crazy crunches and not knowing what the heck they were or how they were helping you dance?  Maybe you just remember waiting for this part of warm up to be over so you could stop pulling on your neck!

Sound familiar? Trust me, we’ve all been there!

Well, today I want to talk about core strength and a different kind of exercise to help engage our abs and increase our core strength. 

Core strength helps us in all aspects of life. Core strengthening leads to core stability which is the ability to control one’s center while the body is moving. It’s the ability to hold the body steady and maintain balance while performing complex movements.

If a dancer’s core stability is poor, they may have difficulty maintaining good posture or dynamic alignment during small or large movements. So, as dancers, we need a strong core to help us achieve all the beautiful moves our hearts desire, but we also need a strong core for everyday life as well. 

That’s why, today, We’re talking about knee hovers. Knee hovers are a great core strengthening exercise and (bonus!) help with stability as well. 

We start this exercise on the floor, so grab a mat to help alleviate any wrist pain.


The Set up: 

Get on all fours (hands and knees) and with your arms straight but not locked, push the heels of your hands into the floor so that your shoulder blades flatten against your back.

The Execution:

Keeping this neutral position with your spine and shoulder blades, tuck your toes under and lift your knees from the floor. Your knees should only rise around 1-2 inches off the ground. Careful not to let your booty lift!

I recommend doing 10 sets of 5-second holds.

What Now?

Want real time feedback on your form? Tag us @dancerswholift on Instagram or Tiktok! 

Not into public posts of your workouts? Totally fine. Check out our Body Mechanics program. You’ll get workouts, nutritional guidance, and a coach dedicated to ensuring your training technique is flawless. 

Leg day, Leg day workout, personal training

Leg Day: Perform At Your Own Risk

Leg day workouts can be brutal and this one is no exception. Coach Amber couldn’t walk right for four days after tackling today’s 60-minute leg day workout. 

So, think you’re up for this challenge?

Let’s find out. 

⚠️ Leg Day: Perform At Your Own Risk ⚠️

Elliptical 15min @ 60% max effort 

To kick off today’s workout you’re going to warm up on the elliptical for 15 minutes while working at 60% effort. Try and keep your pace/effort steady. But don’t be a hero, it’s 60% for a reason.  However, because it’s a lower intensity, be strict about your form here- keep your heels on the pedals. This will ensure your glutes and hamstrings are the driving force in your stride- and after all, it is leg day. 

Goblet squat 5×10 with 25#

Alright, kicking off leg day are goblet squats. To perform this goblet squat stand with your feet hip width apart holding a #25 dumbbell vertically in your hands. Hold the weight close to your chest, brace your core, and begin the squat by pushing your hips backwards as if you were sitting in a chair. Go down as low as you can while keeping your chest lifted. Then, drive through the heels to press up.

Need some tips for squat form? Check this form post out!

**Repeat for 10 reps, five sets. During your rest periods (2-3 minutes) perform bodyweight calf-raises.**

Seated leg extension 3×12  with 30#

Leg day keeps on moving with seated leg extensions. For this exercise you will need to use the leg extension machine in your gym. Set the weight to #30. Then engage your core so your back doesn’t arch when extending your legs. Use your power to extend your legs and slowly lower the weight back down. 

**Repeat for 12 reps, 3 set. During your rest periods (2-3 minutes) perform bodyweight calf-raises.**

Walking lunges 100/leg* with Bodyweight 

This is maybe the cruelest finisher for leg day I’ve ever seen. Keep your chest up, don’t let your back knee hit the floor at your depth, and finish this leg day workout out with 100 walking lunges per side (yes, that’s a total of 200 walking lunges). No, I am not joking. Remember as your start to fatigue to engage your core, and drive through your front heel to stand. 

You’ve got this!

Once you’ve finished I highly recommend a walk as a cool down. This will help you move some of the lactic acid how of those poor noodle legs. 

So, did you survive? Do you want more killer workouts? Follow along every Wednesday for a free workout! And if that doesn’t get you sweating enough, check out Body Mechanics our program designed to provide workouts, nutritional guidance, and fitness education all designed to help you reach your specific goals. 

ab workout for dancers, workout, personal trainer for dancers

Time Crunch: A Quick Ab Workout for Dancers


Here’s the thing. Sometimes we really don’t have time to do a full workout. But what we might have time for is a quick 16-minute ab workout. 

Other times, you might want to get your abs in gear before an audition or backstage before curtain. 

Either way, this ab workout is sure to get your core feeling solid and engage your full body so you’re ready for anything! 

Let’s get started. 

First things first, set a timer for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Any interval timer app will work well for this!

For this workout you’ll be performing as many reps as you can of each exercise for intervals of 20 seconds. 

-Push-up to Shoulder Tap 

For the first 20 seconds, get into a plank position. Then, without wiggling your hips, lift one hand off the floor and tap the opposite shoulder with it. Alternate arms and perform as many reps as possible during the 20-second window. 

Rest for ten seconds. 

-Kneeling Hinge

Next up in our ab workout is a kneeling hinge. Kneel on your shins, sitting up so your knees are at a right angle and your booty is over our knees. Before you begin, lengthen your spine and brace your core. Using your glutes to keep your body in a straight line, slowly hinge backwards from your knees. Only go as far as you can without compromising your spinal alignment. Finally, squeeze your glutes, engage your abs even further, and press your hips forward to return to kneeling. Don’t let your shoulders get ahead of your hips!

Perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds. 

Rest for ten seconds.

-Side Plank with Crunch (alternate side each set)

Ahh the side plank with crunch a double whammy!

Set yourself up into a side plank and extend your top arm so it’s parallel with your ear. Then, without tipping your hips, crunch your top leg and top arm toward the center of your torso. Finally, shoot them back out to their starting position. 

Perform as many reps as possible in 20 seconds. On the next round, switch sides. 

Rest for ten seconds.

-Split Squat Jumps (Alternating lunge as modification)

Okay, I know what you’re thinking, 

“Split squat jumps don’t belong in an ab workout!”

Well, my friend, that’s where you’re wrong. Split squat jumps, when done correctly, require you to maintain core engagement throughout the entire exercise. 

To perform a split squat jump, you’ll jump into a lunge position. The bottom of that lunge is prep for your next jump up. In this jump, switch legs and land in the opposite leg lunge. Be sure to lengthen your spine and brace your core to avoid arching in your lower back as you get tired. 

Repeat as many reps as possible in 20 seconds. Then rest for 10 seconds before starting over with shoulder taps. 

Repeat this entire cycle for  a total of 8 sets. 

And just like that, in 16 minutes, you should be feeling quite the burn! I hope this ab workout got your heart rate up and your body ready for whatever your day holds!

Tune into the Dancers Who Lift Blogfor weekly, free, workouts. Want something more personal? Check out our Embodied Artist Academy– a 100% personalized fitness and nutrition program designed to ensure you reach your goals.