posterior chain workout, workouts for dancers

Side to Side: A Posterior Chain Workout

Dancers are notorious for having underdeveloped glutes and hamstrings. But studies have shown that a strong posterior chain can build power – hello explosive jumps and controlled landings! Additionally, cross-training with a posterior chain workout can reduce the risk of injury.

That’s why we made this week’s Workout Wednesday session target your posterior chain to get that power building! 

So, are you ready to blast those glutes and hammies with this posterior chain workout?

Great. Let’s gooooo!

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3 x 10

The Romanian Deadlift, a variation on a proper dead lift,  specifically targets the hamstrings and glutes making it an exceptional place to start our posterior chain workout. 

The biggest difference between RDLs and traditional dead lifts is the starting position. Conventional deadlifts require you to pull the weight from the floor upward. This requires a deeper knee bend which recruits more of the quads. For the Romanian dead lift you’ll begin standing with the weight in hand. 

Once you’re set with your feet hip width apart and dumbbells in hand brace your core. Slowly hinging from your hip joint, knees soft, lower the weight toward the floor. Keep the weight close to your body (as if to skim the shins). Press through the bottoms of your feel and push your hips forward to return to standing. 

Repeat for ten reps. Complete three sets. 

**Rest between sets: 2-4 min**

Looking for a form check? Give this video a watch. 


Superset 1

The next four exercises in our posterior chain workout will be done in supersets. To perform a super set, simply perform the first round of exercise 1, then immediately move on to exercise 2 before taking your rest period. After your rest, return to exercise one. 

Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge 3 x 8 each leg

For the dumbbell curtsey lunge grab a pair of medium weight dumbbells. Stand with feet hip width apart, cross one leg behind the other and lunge into a curtsy without dropping your chest. Keeping your chest upright and your core engaged, push through your front heel to return to standing. 

Repeat for eight reps on each side. 

**Immediately move on to neutral-grip pull-ups.**

Neutral-Grip Pull-Up 3 x AMRAP

Neutral-grip pull-ups are an excellent way to build upper body and core strength. Should you need to modify, feel free to use a band or pull-up machine so you can perform multiple reps with good form. 

Set yourself up so your arms are directly in front of you, like a boxer, and grab the bars so your palms are facing one another. Pull your abs back and up toward your spine, engage your lats and pull up. 

Perform as many reps as possible with good form. Then take your rest period. After your rest, return to curtsey lunges. 

**Rest between sets: 2-3 min**


Superset 2

Here we are, the final superset of our posterior chain workout! Grab a sip of water, and buckle up, we’re going to finish strong today!

Foot-Elevated Single-Leg Glute Bridge 3 x 20 each leg

To set this up, lay perpendicular to a box or bench on the floor. Place one of your feet on the bench and lift the other leg up so it’s at a 90-degree angle to your hip. 

Then, squeezing your glutes and bracing your core,  press into the foot on the bench and lift your hips up to the ceiling. Be sure not to arch your back! Then, slowly lower the hips back to the ground. 

Repeat for twenty reps on each side. 

**Immediately move into side planks**

Side Plank 3 x 30sec per side 

For the side plank, lay on your side, propped up with your elbow directly underneath your shoulder joint. Make sure your hips are stacked, then lift your hips up so you are balanced on the side of your foot and your elbow.  If this is too intense, you may perform this balancing on the side of your knees instead. To up the intensity, reach the arm up toward the ceiling. 

No matter what, make sure your hips and shoulders remain stacked. Hold for 30 seconds on each side. Repeat for three sets. 

**Rest between sets: 1-2 min**

PHEW! How you feeling? This posterior chain workout was sure to get your whole body involved. If you like this workout tune into the Dancers Who Lift Blog every Wednesday for a new workout designed with dancers in mind. 

Want something more consistent? Check out Body Mechanics. A full time personal training program complete with nutrition and fitness education to take your cross training from good to great. 

superset workout, workouts, personal trainer

“Waddling in a Winter Wonderland”: A Superset Workout for Dancers

Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t get sweaty! This 21-minute superset workout is sure to get your blood pumping  no matter the weather!

Before we dive in, let’s take a second to explain exactly what a superset workout is. 

Defining Supersets

Supersets are a great way to make a workout more challenging, efficient, and decrease your time in the gym.

To perform a super set, simply perform the first round of exercise 1, then immediately move on to exercise 2 before taking your rest period. After your rest, return to exercise one. 

But be warned, supersets are not for the feint of heart! Keep your water bottle close, you’re going to need it!


Superset 1

Coming up first in our superset workout are bodyweight single-leg hip thrusts and kneeling push-ups. For this superset you’ll need a bench or a box and a yoga mat if you have cranky knees!

Bodyweight Single-Leg Hip Thrust 3 x 15 each leg 

For this exercise you’ll want to set up on a bench as if you were performing traditional hip thrusts: placing the bottom of your sports bra where along he edge of the bench. Lift your hips and adjust your legs so that you’re legs are at a 90-degree angle. (Y^ou should look like a tabletop.)

Engage your core and lift one leg off the ground. Now, slowly lower your hips then squeeze your glutes to press back up to that table top position. Repeat for fifteen reps, then switch sides. When you’ve completed both sides, move on to the kneeling push ups. 

Kneeling Push-Up 3 x 20

Get yourself onto your mat and lay face down. Place your hands so your thumbs are in line with your armpits, legs together. Keeping your shins on the ground, press your body up. Before you begin, ensure your spine is in alignment and your core is engaged. Lower yourself down slowly stopping just above the floor and push back up with power. Repeat for twenty reps. 

**Rest between sets: 2-3min**

Superset 2

Next up in our superset workout are single-leg sliding leg curls and v-sits! For these exercises you’ll either need a slipper floor and a sock or workout sliders. 

Single-Leg Sliding Leg Curl 3 x 10 each leg

For this exercise, lay on your back. Press up into a glute bridge and brace your core. Slowly slide one leg out until it’s straight, keeping your hips lifted. Then, curl it back into the bridge position, again keeping your hips lifted. Repeat for 10 reps. 

Feeling too easy? Try the exercise from a single leg bridge. After you get into the bridge position, lift one leg. Keeping that leg lifted continue the exercise as previously instructed. 

V-sit 3 x 10

V-sits! For this exercise it’s important to remember to keep your lover back long, but not arched. To ensure this, brace your core, and when you lift up into the “V” position, imagine scooping your lower abdominals back and up and keep your chest wide. Perform ten reps. 

Tip: You can perform these with your knees at 90-degrees or with straight legs for an added challenge.  

**Rest between sets: 2-3min**

Superset 3

Finally we’ve reached the last superset in our superset workout! This superset will feature bodyweight squats and passé planks! All you need is your body and the floor. 

Bodyweight Squat 3 x 30

To set up your squats, stand with your feet hip width apart, bracing your core push your hips back as if you are sitting in a chair. Drive up through the feet as if you are pushing the floor away. Repeat for thirty reps.

Still feeling unsure about your squat for? Take a look at our “Squat Tips” highlight reel.

Passé Plank  3 x 15 each leg

Passé planks sound complicated, but they are pretty much exactly what they sound like. Get yourself into a plank position on your hands, not your forearms. Keeping the hips and spine quiet, developé into a passé and extend out to the side then back to your plank position. Repeat for fifteen reps, then switch sides. 

**Rest between sets: 1-2min**


And just like that you’ve finished your superset workout! Isn’t it amazing how much work you can fit into a twenty minutes when utilizing supersets? Just be sure to give your body extra rest today so your muscles can recover from the extra effort!

Want more workouts? Check back every Wednesday for a new, free workout! And if that doesn’t satiate your need to move, take a look at Body Mechanics, our personal training program designed to teach dancers everything they need to thrive. 


Dumbbell workout, weightlifting for dancers

Stability Burn: A Dumbbell Workout

After you’ve been lifting weights for awhile it can be easy to focus on barbells and heavy lifts. But a dumbbell workout can shift which muscles bear the most activation within the same muscle group! What does that mean? It means that utilizing barbells and dumbbells in your training can help you build well-rounded muscles – no pun intended!

That’s why this Wednesday, our workout of the week is dumbbell and stability focused!

The best part? Today’s dumbbell workout will take you less than 25 minutes!

Let’s get started!


Dumbbell Step-Up: 3 x 10 each leg

For this exercise you’ll need to grab a pair of dumbbells and a bench. Face the bench with your dumbbells in hand and step up onto the bench with your right leg. Make sure your leg fully extends before bringing your feet together. Then, with control, step back down (backwards) with your left leg.

Repeat for 10 reps, then perform on the other side. 

**Rest between sets: 2-3 min.**

Superset 1

To perform a super set, simply perform the first round of exercise 1, then immediately move on to exercise 2 before taking your rest period. 

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press: 3 x 12

Four our first superset of this dumbbell workout, you’ll be performing Shoulder Presses and Deadbugs back to back! Get ready to feel that core stabilize!

For this exercise take a seat on a bench and set it up so you have back support. Grab a pair of dumbbells (*note, you will be lifting these overhead.) Sitting on the bench plant your feet and brace your core. Lift the weights so your arms are making a right angle, elbows level with your armpit-this is your starting position. On an exhale, press the weights overhead keeping your shoulders down. With control, lower the weights back to the starting position. Concerned about your form? Check out these tips for Should Presses!

Repeat for 10 reps, then immediate move on to Deadbugs!

Deadbugs:  3 x 20

Lie on your back on the floor, or a mat, if that’s more comfortable for you. Then, gently bend your knees placing your feet about a foot from your glutes. Next make sure your entire spine is maintaining contact with the floor by firmly exhaling out into the front, back, and both sides of your body– and don’t forget to engage your pelvic floor! Maintain this neutral spine while lifting your shoulders off of the floor by reaching your arms straight up toward the ceiling and lift your legs up, bending your knees so your shins are parallel to the ceiling. Now, move your right arm so it’s parallel with your ear. At the same time extend the left leg so it’s parallel to the floor. Return to center and switch sides. 

Repeat for 20 reps. 

**Rest between sets: 2-3min, then return to Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press.**

dead bugs

Superset 2

Plank Walkout:  3 x 12

The next superset in our dumbbell workout begins with a plank walk out. For this exercise begin standing with your feet hip width apart. Simply roll down through your spine to the floor. Then, walk your hands out to a plank position and walk them back. Keep your core engaged this entire time- no arched  or curved backs!

Repeat for twelve reps, then immediately move on to Dumbbell Glute Bridges.

Dumbbell Glute Bridge: 3 x 20

Lay on your back with your knees bent, heels just out of reach of your fingertips. Place a dumbbell on your hips. (If this is painful wrap a towel or barbell pad around the weight). Then, squeezing your glutes, curl  your pelvis toward the ceiling. Make sure to keep your knees stable and not to arch your lower back!

Repeat for 20 reps.

**Rest between sets: 2-3 min., then return to plank walk outs.**

Lateral Band walks: 2 x 20

Finally we’ve reached the end of our dumbbell workout and, ironically, we are not using dumbbells! However these lateral band walks will get those abductors firing like nobody’s business! 

Place the band just above your ankles. Pressing your legs outward to ensure your knees don’t cave in, take small controlled steps to the side.

Repeat for 2o reps and switch legs. 

**Rest between sets: 1-2min**

And just like like you’ve finished this week’s dumbbell workout! You should be feeling strong and stable after that workout! Annnnndd maybe a little sweaty!




personal training for dancers



This dumbbell workout is just the tip of the iceberg of what Dancers Who Lift has to offer. Not only do we provide free, weekly workouts and tons more information on the Dancers Who Lift blog, but we offer one on one personal training through the Embodied Artist Academy and we offer personalized training through our Body Mechanics program. Check out our instagram @dancerswholift or email us at for more information.  Or click the banner above for our Black Friday Special!

A Full Body Thirty Minute Workout (A.K.A. Perfection!)

Sometimes an hour at the gym is just not possible-especially when you factor in time for a post-workout shower! That’s why we’ve made this thirty minute workout. Because longer is not necessarily better, especially when your workouts are focused and purposeful. 

So, give this full body, thirty minute workout a try and get in and out of the gym efficiently. (Without sacrificing any quality!) 


Dumbbell Glute Bridge 3 x 20

Kicking off this thirty minute workout is the glute bridge.

To set up, grab a dumbbell and lay down on your back with your knees bent. Rest the dumbbell on your hips and, using your glutes and lower abdominals, slowly curl your pelvis up toward the ceiling until you are in a bridge position. Then, slowly roll through your spine to return your pelvis to the floor. Repeat for twenty reps. Three sets. 

**Rest between sets: 1-2min**



One of the easiest ways to challenge yourself during a short workout is super-setting! So, of course, during this thirty minute workout we are going to utilize two super sets!

What’s a superset? It’s simple really.

All “superset” means is that you will perform set 1 of exercise a,  then  immediately do set 1 of exercise b. After you’ve done a full set of each exercise, you will take your rest period. 

Supersets 1

Push-up 3x 12

The first exercise in our superset is push-ups!

Now, if you’re sitting here thinking, “I can’t do 12 strict push-ups.” That’s okay!

Start by modifying them; do them from your knees or with a wide foot placement. 

Push-ups can be challenging, so if you’re in pain, or unsure of your form, check out this quick reference for perfect push-ups!

You’ll do twelve reps of whatever modification of push-up suits your level, then immediately move on to the band pull apart. 

Band Pull Apart 3x 12

For this exercise, grab a light to medium band. We are targeting our back!

Grab the band in each hand and raise your arms so the band is parallel with your chest.

Keep your shoulders down and ribcage closed!

On an exhale, slowly pull your hands away from each other.  Then, with control, slowly bring your hands back in front of you. 

Repeat for twelve reps. Then, take a 1-2 minute rest before returning to push-ups. 

Superset 2

You’re almost done with your thirty minute workout! Are you feeling tired yet? Push yourself to finish strong; you’re almost there!

Dumbbell Single leg box squat 3x 10/side

For the dumbbell single leg box squat, you’ll want a medium weight dumbbell and either a bench or box. 

Stand in front of the bench, holding the dumbbell close to your chest. Extend one leg in front of you, and slowly perform a single leg squat until your tush gently touches the box. Press through your heel to return to standing. 

Repeat for ten reps on each side, then immediately move on to dumbbell single leg RDLs. 

Dumbbell single leg RDL 3x 10/side

For the single leg RDL stand with one leg slightly behind the other, with the weight in the same hand as the back leg. Then, slowly hinge from the hips, allowing the back leg to lift while the standing knee stays over the ankle. The weight should slowly skim your shin. Then, press your hips forward to return to standing. 

Repeat for ten reps on each side, then rest for 1-2 minutes before returning to single leg box squats. 

Not sure about your single leg RDL form? Check out this video for a quick reference!

Annnnd Done!

And just like that your thirty minute workout is complete! How do you feel? My guess is those muscles are pretty gassed!

If you liked this workout, tune into the dancers who lift blog every Wednesday for a new workout!

Want a more tailored workout plan? Check out our Embodied Artists Academy and get personalized workouts and nutritional planning sure to help you achieve your goals.

workouts for dancers, weight lifting for dancers

Stay Alive For 25 (minutes!): Workouts For Dancers

Workouts for dancers are often filled bosu ball balances, dance adjacent exercises with dumbbells, or even (and please don’t do this) exercises in dance heels. Not only is this not an effective way to cross train, it can also lead to injuries.

That’s why every Wednesday we publish a workout designed with dancers and their specific needs in mind. From strength training, to conditioning, or quick workouts for time crunches, our workout Wednesdays are dedicated to making efficient workouts for dancers. 

What do I mean by “efficient workouts for dancers?” I mean that these workouts will rarely be longer that 40 minutes. In fact, today’s workout will only take you about 25 minutes to complete! And don’t you worry, despite the short time frame, this workout is sure to heat things up.

Let’s get started. 

Hip Thrust (3-second top pause) 3 x AMRAP

First, let’s define AMRAP. AMRAP simply stands for “As Many Reps As Possible.” So, you will perform the following exercise until you can no longer perform it with good form. At this point you will take your rest time. 

To set up your hip thrust, sit alongside a bench with your knees bent. Lift yourself up so your sports bra line is in line with the edge of the bench. Then, lift your hips until your whole body is in a table top position. Since this exercise calls for a three second pause at the top, you will hold this position for three seconds before slowly, dropping your hips, keeping your upper body solid, like a board. (abs engaged, glutes squeezing!) Then thrust back up to the tabletop position. You can do this with or without weights depending on your strength level! Repeat for as a many reps as possible without breaking form, three sets. 

**Rest between sets: 1-2 min.**

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press 3 × 10

This next set of exercises are a superset. This means you’ll finish set 1 of the first exercise and immediately move on to set one of the following exercise. After completing set one of each exercise, take your rest time.

For this exercise take a seat on a bench and set it up so you have back support. Grab a pair of dumbbells (*note, you will be lifting these overhead.) Sitting on the bench plant your feet and brace your core. Lift the weights so your arms are making a right angle, elbows level with your armpit-this is your starting position. On an exhale, press the weights overhead keeping your shoulders down. With control, lower the weights back to the starting position. Concerned about your form? Check out these tips for Should Presses!

**Repeat for ten reps, then immediately move on to Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.**

Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 10 each leg

With the dumbbells, stand up and take a couple steps away from the bench. Stand with your feet hip width apart and square your hips. Then, rest one of your feet on the bench. Now, bracing your core, lower into a lunge position. Drive through your front heel and press yourself back up to standing. 

**Repeat this for ten reps on each leg, then rest 1-2 min. before returning to Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press.**

Dumbbell Bent Over Row 3 × 12

Another Superset! You’ve got this!

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, bend slightly at the hips so the torso is leaning forward-be sure to keep your spine supported by your abs! Then, pull the weights towards your hip, squeezing the shoulder blades together. With control, return to the starting position. 

**Repeat for twelve reps, then immediately go into the Bear Crawl.**

Bear Crawl 3 x 20 steps per side

Ahh, the bear crawl. One of my favorite workouts for dancers. Not only does this work your deep core muscles, it also strengthens your knees and thighs!

To do the Bear Crawl, get onto all fours. From here, brace your core and tuck your toes, lifting your knees off the ground. Hint! keep your shins parallel to the floor! Then, without letting your butt lift, crawl forward. 

**Crawl for 40 steps (20 per side) then rest 1-2 minutes; three sets**

Band Side-Lying Clam 3 x 20 each leg

For this exercise, you’ll need a medium-weight band. Place the band around your thighs above the knee. Then, lay on your side with your knees bent. Make sure your hips are stacked and use your forearm to support your upper body- make sure not to let your ribcage sag toward the floor! Now that you’re in this half plank, open and close your top leg like a clamshell without letting the hips wobble – the range of motion for this might be very small. If this is too easy, lift your hips off the ground for an added challenge!

** Repeat for 20 reps on each leg, then rest for 1-2 minutes; three sets.**

And just like that today’s workout is complete! You see? Workouts for dancers don’t have to be complicated or long to be effective. 

Want more workouts for dancers? Tune into the Dancers Who Lift blog every Wednesday for a weekly pump!

Want more workouts more often? Check out our Embodied Artist Academy and get workouts and nutrition tailored for you by your own personal trainer!

Quick workout, thirty-minute workout

Full Body Blast: A Quick Workout For 30 Minute Windows

Listen, we get it. Sometimes the thing standing between you and your workout is time. Between getting to the gym, the workout itself and the post gym shower/refresh, sometimes it seems impossible. That’s why we have found it helpful to have a quick workout in your back pocket to get you in and out of the gym efficiently. 

Worried a quick workout might mean it’s too easy? Think again.  This full body lift will take you less than thirty minutes and is sure to keep you on track with your lifting goals. 

Let’s get started.

Band Seated Hip Abduction

To set these up, grab a medium strength band and place it above your knees. Then, take a seat on the edge of a bench or box. Plant your feet hip width apart. Then, keeping your core engaged and spine braced, use your abductors to pull the band in opposite directions. This variation on a clamshell will have you sweating in a surprisingly short amount of time. 

Repeat for FIFTY reps, two sets.  (2 x 50)

(Yes, you read that correctly. Hey, in a quick workout we have to work efficiently!)

**Rest between sets: 1-2min**


This next set of exercises are a superset. This means you’ll finish set 1 of the first exercise and immediately move on to set one of the following exercise. After completing set one of each exercise, take your rest time. 

For your push-ups, choose the form that allows you to maintain the best form possible. 

You will do a set of 10 push-ups, then immediately move on to the corresponding set of Dumbbell Sumo Squats (see below). 

In total you’ll complete three sets.  (3 x 10)

Dumbbell Sumo Squat

For the dumbbell sumo squat you are going to stand and in a second position with your legs turned out slightly. (Think contemporary class). Then pick up your weight, and do a second position grande plié. Unlike regular squats, sumo squats work in a turned out position and rely on you moving up and down as if you’re in a toaster and don’t want to be burned. 

Repeat for 15 reps (3 x 15) 

**Rest between sets: 1-2min** (After your rest, return to push-ups!)

Want a form video? Check this out.

Band Pulldown

Watch out! This quick workout is throwing another superset atchya! Actually, supersets are a great way to maximize your gym time! Just make sure your exercises are working different muscle groups for maximum efficiency and efficacy. 

For band pulldowns you are going to take a light to medium band and loop it over something taller than you. Next  slightly hinge at the hips, and brace the core. Reach up to grab one band in each hand. Then, in one strong motion, keeping your arms soft but straight, pull your arms back until they are inline with your sides.  Repeat this for 12 reps and move on to your Glute Bridges!

You do a total of three sets! (3 x 12) 

Glute Bridge

For the glute bridge,  lay on the ground with your feet planted so your fingertips can just barely graze your heels. (or as close as you can to that!) Then, you’ll slowly squeeze your glutes and curl your pelvis up into the air making a slope from your knees to your head.  Make sure your abs stay engaged this entire time so your back is supported. In fact, a good cue for this is to think about scooping them back and up toward your spine as you lift your hips!

Repeat this for 20 reps. (3 x 20) Then take your rest before returning to pull downs.

**Rest between sets: 1-2min*8

Hip Thrust

Finally we have come to the last exercise in our quick workout! Finish strong, we’ve got an AMRAP! (As Many Reps As Possible) 

To se up your hip thrust, sit next to a bench with your knees bent. Lift yourself up so your sports bra line is in line with the edge of the bench. Then, lift your hips until your whole body is in a table top position. Slowly, drop your hips, keeping your upper body solid, like a board. (abs engaged, glutes squeezing!) Then thrust back up to the tabletop position. You can do this with or without weights depending on your strength level!

Go for as meany reps as you can with good form, then rest. 

Three sets. 

***Rest between sets: 1-2min***

And there you have it! A quick workout sure to get your blood pumping and, more importantly, ensure you get your workout in, even when you have less than thirty minutes!

For more workouts like this be sure to check out our blog for our Workout Wednesday Series and more fitness tips! Or, follow us on instagram @dancerswholift and tag us in a workout video! We love helping with form checks or even just cheering on your workout!

Wanting something more personal? Check out our Embodied Artist Academy and start getting tailor made workouts and nutrition.