Workout Wednesday: The Lower Body Workout

lower body workout, lower body workout for dancers, lower body day, leg day

Workout Wednesday: The Lower Body Workout

Few workouts are as widely discussed (and dreaded) as a lower body workout is. But as a dancer, I have always loved a good lower body workout. 

Lower body workouts make me feel strong and stable. Not to mention that training the lower body is an excellent form of cross-training for dancers.

For example, dancers notoriously have weak hamstrings. Hip thrusts and Romanian deadlifts are an excellent way to balance out that muscle imbalance. 


So, are you ready for a lower-body workout that you’re sure to feel tomorrow? Let’s Go!


The Lower Body Workout


Squats 5 sets EMOM

You can do this exercise with a pair of dumbbells, with one weight as a goblet squat, or with bodyweight – choose your own adventure.

EMOM means “every minute on the minute.” 

To do this exercise, set a timer for 60 seconds. At the top of each minute perform 20 squats. 

Use the remainder of the minute to rest before starting again at the top of the next minute. 

That’s 100 squats in 5 minutes… good luck fam! 😉

**After you’ve completed all five minutes, rest for 90 seconds then move on to the next set.**


Superset x3

Reverse lunge with drive: 

Start in a split squat position, with one leg front and one leg back. 

Then driving through the front leg, use your core to help you balance as you stand up straight and pull the back knee to your chest. 

Want to up the intensity? Add a hop at the top of the drive!

**Perform 10 reps per leg then immediately move on to Cossack squats.**



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Cossack squat:  

Start in a wide second position with toes pointing out on a slight diagonal.

Then, engage your core as you bend one knee, going as low as you can while keeping the other leg straight with your heel on the ground. 

This is excellent for external rotators, adductor stretch, and balance.

**Perform 5 reps per side then rest for 90 seconds before starting the superset over again.**

After you’ve completed three rounds, rest for 90 seconds, then move on to the next superset. 


Superset x4

Okay, we’ve reached the final superset of our lower body workout! Finish strong, this final superset is a doozy!

Pendulum lunges: 

Start with your feet about hip distance apart. 

 Then step one leg forward into a split squat. 

Stay as low as you can as you send the same leg to step behind into the reverse split squat. 

Imagine your head is under a shelf so you don’t lift up as you slide your leg forward and back!

**Perform 10 reps per leg, then immediately move on to V-ups.**



Start by lying flat on your back with your legs and arms out long. 

Then using your core, exhale as you lift your upper and lower body up at the same time to create a V while you balance on your butt. 

Then lower back down with control. 

Feel free to bend and tuck your knees as a modification.

**Perform 10 reps then immediately move on to passé developé planks!** 


Passé Developé Plank:

Alright, you’ve made it to the final exercise in our lower body workout! 

Start in a high plank position. (Weight in your hands!)

Then, bend one leg into your chest and try to tap the knee to the opposite elbow in a parallel passé. 

Next, open that knee into a passé retiré position to the side and developé that leg out to the side. 

Finally, return to retiré and back to your starting position (like an omvelopé) into your high plank. 

**Perform 4 reps per side, then rest for 2 minutes before restarting the superset!**

Complete 4 rounds to finish the workout!

Okay, so how are your legs feeling now? A little wobbly, maybe? 

A lower body workout is definitely bound to do that! Make sure you refuel well with protein, carbs, and fat, and give yourself a cool down to settle your nervous system down. 


Do you want more workouts like this one? Check out these favorites from the blog: Workout Wednesday: The AMRAP Workout, Training tip Tuesday: Smith Machine Glute Bridge, Injury Recovery 101: The Do’s and Don’ts for Getting Back on the Stage Faster

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