Should You Work Out When Sick? Everything You Need to Know

should you work out when sick

Should You Work Out When Sick? Everything You Need to Know

No matter how often we tell a dancer that rest is their best friend, we still find ourselves answering this question: Should you work out when sick? 

All jokes aside, I completely understand why someone might ask this question. I mean, sometimes when you’re sick, getting your body moving feels good!

But where is the line between ignoring your body’s need for rest and pushing yourself to show up even when you’re tired?

We, generally, recommend that if your body is feeling like it needs rest then listen to it. However, if you’re still on the fence, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine if the weights should wait.    

  • Do You Have a Fever?

First up, take your temperature. Do you have a fever?

If you have a fever that means your body is working overtime to get you healthy. Your grandmother might’ve told you that you should “sweat out” a fever, but the scientific evidence points to the contrary. 

Working out while you have a fever will further raise your body temperature and can put you in the danger zone of dehydration. 

Doctors recommend that after your fever breaks, you should wait a least a few days to let your body recover before hitting the gym again. 

Bonus? If you avoid workouts while feverish, you’ll also be protecting your neighbor as a fever implies that you may still be contagious.

  •  What Kind of Sick Are You?

Should you work out when sick? Not if your symptoms are “below the neck.” 

This includes chest congestion (hacking cough), vomiting, diarrhea, or upset stomach. This also includes widespread muscle aches or widespread fatigue. That’s because these symptoms indicate a more serious infection, like the flu. 

Take a few days off then ease back into your routine once your symptoms subside. 

If your symptoms “are above the neck” like a headache or nasal congestion and are not accompanied by a fever or muscle aches, working out is probably okay.  Likely you’re simply suffering from a head cold and a workout could boost your immune system and help you heal a bit faster. 

That said, listen to your body. If it’s asking for rest, give it rest. 

personal training for dancers

  • Consider Adjusting Your Workout

Even if you’ve decided you are healthy enough to work out, there could be some wisdom in scaling back your workout a bit. 

This could look like lifting lighter, reducing reps, or opting for a walk rather than a run. 

Check out the graphic below to help you remember these tips at a glance!

I hope this helped and, no matter what, I hope you feel better soon! Take the day to rest if you need it, there will be plenty of time to workout when you’re feeling better. If you’re headed to the gym, remember to listen to your body! You’ve got this!

Looking for more tips about staying healthy? Check out these reads on the DWL Blog: What is a Rest Day? The Key To Unlocking Your Progress, What Are Electrolytes, Why They Are Important, And How to Get More,  What Is Rest, Really? 7 Types of Rest You Need to Understand


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