Have you ever felt like, despite working consistently and hard, you just weren’t making the progress you wanted? Plateaus happen for various reasons, but sometimes what we think is a plateau *might* be our bodies readjusting to the various stimuli it’s receiving. Odds are you’re actually doing better than you think. So, here are 6 signs of a healthy body that may motivate you to keep going.
Faster Recovery
The first in our list of signs of a healthy body is faster recovery. Ideally, you should be able to recover fairly quickly between workouts.
Being overly sore or experiencing extreme exhaustion could be a sign that you’re not getting enough fuel. But, if you’re finding that working out and dancing in the same week is a breeze, you’re on the right track.
Feeling Motivated
Ever heard the phrase, “You can’t pour from an empty cup?”
Fun fact, if your body is stressed out or exhausted, you will not feel very motivated. In fact, you’re body will probably be sending you sign after sign that it needs rest.
So, if you’re waking up feeling motivated to take on new projects, tackle new goals, and push yourself during your workouts and classes, that’s a very good sign.
Bonus points if you are experiencing a boost of productivity too!
Enhanced Digestion
Feeling less bloated and more comfortable after meals? Experiencing improved digestion is one of the best signs of a healthy body.
That’s because it means that your body’s becoming more efficient at processing nutrients.
Not only that it means that you are choosing foods that promote healthy digestion and nutrition. It means you’re getting plenty of fiber and probiotics leading to improved gut health.
So, being “regular” is definitely not a band thing in this area. (Hehe, See what I did there?!)
Regular Menstruation (for you)
Menstruation is often an overlooked sign of health. But if Aunt Flow is visiting you regularly and your PMS symptoms are manageable, that’s a sign that your body is doing great!
Think about it, being strong, well-fueled, and having a healthy hormonal balance, are indicators to your body that you could have a successful pregnancy. Therefore, if this is the case, you will be getting your period.
Of course, there are extenuating complications and health issues that could interfere with this- so please consult your doctor if you’re feeling that something is out of the norm.
But, everyone’s body is different so, what’s “normal” for you might be different than others and that’s okay. The important thing is, to know what your normal is so you can tell if something is off.
How do you do this? We recommend tracking your cycle symptoms. But if you’d like to dive into your menstrual health on a deeper level, check out this course from Coach Kierstin.
But, if you’re seeing efficient, consistent periods, that’s an excellent sign you’re on the right track.
Lifting Heavier
Have you noticed that you’re able to push yourself in the gym? Are you lifting heavier than ever? Good!
It might seem obvious to say, but that means you’re getting stronger. Getting stronger means that you’ve built muscle and that is something to celebrate!
Congratulations! If you’re lifting heavier it means your body is getting the right amount of protein to rebuild muscle, enough carbs to keep your energy high, and plenty of fats to regulate your hormones and keep your brain focused at the gym.
Keep up the good work because as far as signs of a healthy body, this one is exciting!
Good Sleep
Have you noticed that you’re sleeping more soundly and waking up feeling refreshed? Is your Oura ring sleep score getting higher? Did your Apple Watch comment on getting a full 8 hours of rest?
That’s a fantastic sign! Quality sleep is crucial for muscle recovery and overall well-being. Embrace those extra Zzz’s as a sign of progress.
However, if you’re overtired, over-stressed, and hungry, you won’t be seeing those high sleep scores. You might even find yourself waking up more often at night.
Quality sleep is integral to a healthy body. So if you aren’t experiencing this sign of a healthy body, try these sleep hygiene tips: Sleep Hygiene: What Is It and Why It’s Important
At the End of the Day, Keep Going
Of course, there are more than just 5 signs of a healthy body.
But these are some of the most common side effects of consistency that we don’t want you to overlook.
Maybe you’re experiencing some of them, maybe you’re lucky and experiencing them all. But the key is not to give up.
Keep going and stay consistent, you’re doing so much better than you think.
Want more insight into your health? Check out these quick reads: Body Neutrality, Body Positivity, And Your Fitness Journey, A Dancer’s Guide to Managing and Preventing Knee and Ankle Pain, Do You Really Need 10,000 Steps a Day?