total-body workout

The Total-Body workout

Few things hit the way an efficient and challenging total-body workout does. Whether you like a get-up-and-go workout or you prefer an afternoon gym session, this total-body workout will give you that “I can do anything” feeling. Either that or it’ll leave you in a puddle of sweat, contemplating your life choices. 

But, hey! No time like the present to find out, right?

The Total-Body Workout


Superset 1 x3 sets

Today’s total-body workout is split up into supersets. For each of these, complete a full set of each exercise before taking any rest time. 

Rear Delt Fly: 

First up in our total-body workout are rear-dealt flies. Go ahead, and grab a lighter weight for these as they target a fairly small muscle. 

Then, standing with your feet hip-width apart, hinge at your hips with a flat back and braced spine.

With the weight in your hands, let your fingertips hang down toward the floor with your thumbs facing forward. 

Then, without arching your back, pull your arms apart and raise them to shoulder height.  You should feel the back of your shoulders engage as you do this. 

**Perform 12 reps, then immediately move on to dumbbell RDLs.**


Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 

The Romanian Deadlift, a variation of a proper deadlift, specifically targets the hamstrings and glutes. 

The biggest difference between RDLs and traditional deadlifts is the starting position. Conventional deadlifts require you to pull the weight from the floor upward. RDLs require a deeper knee bend which recruits more of the quads. For the Romanian deadlift you’ll begin standing with the weights in hand. 

Once you’re set up with your feet hip-width apart and dumbbells in hand brace your core. 

Slowly hinging from your hip joint, knees soft, lower the weight toward the floor. Keep the weight close to your body (as if to skim the shins).

Stop when your hips can’t hinge any further (it’s ok if you don’t reach the ground!). Only go as far down as you can feel the tension in your hamstring and glutes. 

Then, pressing through the bottoms of your feet, push your hips forward to return to standing. 

**Perform 12 reps, then rest for 90 seconds before starting the super set over. Repeat superset 3 times before moving on.** 


Superset 2 x4 sets


Sumo Kettlebell Deadlift: 

Sumo deadlifts are different than their cousin, sumo squat. But they are excellent for building strong glutes and abductors

Grab a fairly heavy kettlebell and set up with your feet wider than your shoulders (think second position). Slightly rotate your feet outward – do NOT go to your fullest turnout. 

Then, hinge from the hips with a slight bend in the knees as you would a traditional deadlift. Your butt WILL stick out behind you when you hinge, this is NOT a grande plié with a weight! 

Once you have hinged as far as you can without releasing the tension on your glutes, push your hips forward to return to standing. 

Remember, keep the spine straight, and core engaged. 

**Perform 10 reps, then immediately move on to dead bug with ISO.**


Dead bug with Iso:

Lay on your back and get into the dead bug position by lifting your legs and shoulders off the ground.

From here, take your right hand and press it as hard as you can into your right knee. Push back against your hand with your knee, keeping your leg from being moved by your hand.

This will *absolutely* light up your right side, forcing an isometric hold in your deep core and right obliques.

From here, extend your left arm and leg as you usually would in a dead bug.

Move slowly as you extend and return to the center to maintain your form and get the most out of this exercise.

Check out this form video if you need a reference!

**Perform 6-8 reps on each side with one inhale/exhale during each rep. Then, rest for 90 seconds before repeating the superset. Complete 4 supersets before moving on.**



Superset 3 x3 sets

Alright, we’ve reached our final superset in our total-body workout. Are you starting to feel those endorphins? Finish strong, you won’t regret it!


Dumbbell Row with Pause: 

Stand next to a bench or box and kneel by resting the same arm and leg on it. Your outside leg should be straight and supported by the ground.  

Ensure your back is flat and your core is braced. Then grab a dumbbell with your free arm. Bend at the elbow and keeping your elbow tight into your side, pull your dumbbell to your hips NOT your armpit. Hold at the top of your row for 2 seconds.

**Perform 6 reps on each side. Then, immediately move on to dumbbell bicep curls.**  


Dumbbell Bicep Curl:

With your weights in your hands, imagine you are squeezing newspapers under your arms to anchor your shoulders down and back. 

Now, double-check that your arms are hanging directly toward the ground- no bent elbows!  

Finally, ensure the weight is either directly by your sides or slightly in front of you. 

**If your weight is really heavy, you can achieve this by ever so slightly hinging your hips back – but keep your spine and core long and braced.**

Now, contract that bicep and curl the weight only until your bicep is fully contracted. Bicep curls are all about time under tension. So, instead of curling the weight all the way to your shoulder, curl it just until you reach the peak of your bicep contraction. 

Then, slowly release. Make sure, as you release down, you don’t “drop out” of the tension too early. Control the release all the way down to increase the time under tension and boost your gains.  

**Perform 8-10 reps, then rest for 90 seconds before starting the superset over. Complete the superset 3 times before moving on.** 


Finisher  x4 sets

Oh, you thought we were done? 

No, we have a killer finisher for today’s total-body workout! Four sets are all that stand between you and a nice cool down. So take a deep breath and let’s go. 


Kettlebell Swings: 

Remember your kettlebell RDL form from earlier? This is very similar. 

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip distance. 

Hinge your hips back as the kettlebell swings between your legs. 

Then, thrust your hips forward engaging the glutes to swing the kettlebell forward. Keep your core tight and be careful not to arch your lower back.

The “swing comes from the elbows and the hip thrust, NOT the shoulders, so keep your arms tight by your side. 

**Perform as many as you can in 60 seconds. Rest for 45 seconds, then repeat. Complete 4 rounds to finish today’s Total-body workout.


How do you feel? I hope proud of yourself! 

And if today inspired you and you’d like to work out with me again, tune in every Wednesday for a new workout. Can’t wait til then? Check out these DWL favorites: Workout Wednesday: The Hard Workout, Training Tip Tuesday: Smith Machine Glute Bridge, Workout Wednesday: The Compound Workout

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