Is there anything more perfect than a whole-body workout that gets you in and out of the gym in under an hour?
I didn’t think so.
Today’s whole-body workout will get you sweaty and swole without wasting time.
Let’s get started.
Primer: 2 sets
Bodyweight Hip Thrust:
Since these are a primer, you’ll be performing these with body weight.
Find a box, bench, chair, etc. Line yourself up so the lower part of your shoulder blades (band of sports bra) are on the edge of the bench. Then lower your hips a few inches and thrust those glutes up to make a straight line from shoulders to knees. Remember to keep your shins perpendicular to the floor and your ribcage closed.
20 reps.
**Perform 2 sets before beginning the workout.**
Chin-Up Variations: 3 sets
Kicking off our whole-body workout are chin-ups.
This workout is adjustable You get to choose whether you use bands, a pull-up machine, or are strong enough to perform with your full body weight.
Use whatever equipment available that best suits your goals and skill level, then knock out 3 sets of 12 reps.
Rest for 1 minute between rounds.
**Perform 3 sets before moving on to Superset 1.**
Superset 1 : 3 sets
Ahh the first superset of our whole-body workout. Complete each of these exercises before taking a rest.
Dumbbell RDL:
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, letting them rest across the tops of your thighs.
Engage your core and soften at the knees. Then, hinge at the hips, sending your hips back towards the wall behind you. Be sure to keep the dumbbells sliding close to the legs the entire time.
Only go down as far as you can while keeping your glutes engaged.
Finally, squeeze to return to the starting position.
**Perform 12 reps then immediately move on to the dumbbell shoulder press.**
Neutral Grip Dumbbell Shoulder Press:
Keep those dumbbells and hold one in each hand.
Start your hands at ear height with your elbows up at shoulder height pointing forward.
Press DB straight above your head in 1 count then, SLOWLY, take four counts to lower to the starting position. Be sure to keep your core tight and ribs closed.
**Perform 8 reps then rest for 90 seconds before starting the superset over. Complete the superset 3 times before moving on.**
Group 2: 2 sets
We’ve made it to the final superset in this whole-body workout. You just have to get through two rounds and then you’re home free. So, push yourself and finish strong! You’ve got this!
RFE Split Squat:
Place one leg on a bench, box, chair, etc. that is slightly lower than hip height. Walk the other leg two steps away from the platform.
Then, hinge slightly at the hips as you bend the front leg to squat as low as you comfortably can.
you can perform these as a bodyweight exercise or add dumbbells in each hand for a greater challenge.
**Perform 10 reps per side, then immediately move on to side plank + clam.**
Side Plank + Clam:
Find your side plank position with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your weight on your elbow and your bottom knee.
Lift up your hips up into the side plank as the top knee rotates open into a clam.
As you close your knees lower your hips back down.
If this doesn’t feel challenging enough, add a band around the thighs above the knees.
**Perform 12 reps per side, then immediately move on to hollow rocks.**
Hollow Rock Reps:
This is the final exercise in our whole-body workout! Don’t give up now!
Start by laying flat on your back with your legs long and arms extended above your head. Exhale as you lift your legs, arms, and chest off the ground. Think of scooping your lower abdominals back and up as you do this.
Then, inhale as you slowly lower back down. Keep your middle and lower back flat on the ground the entire time.
**Perform 10 reps, then rest for 90 seconds before starting the entire superset again. To complete the workout, perform superset 2 twice.**
You did it!! You completed today’s whole-body workout! I hope you feel strong and invigorated.
See you next week for another Workout on Wednesday!
Want more workouts like this? Read: Workout Wednesday: The Squat Workout, Training Tip Tuesday: Stability Ball Hamstring Curls, 1.5 Times: A Time Under Tension Workout