Unshakable: Core Bracing Workout

core bracing

Unshakable: Core Bracing Workout

Core bracing is not only an important part of weight lifting, but it’s incredibly helpful in dance. In fact, core bracing is one of the main things stabilizing you during pirouettes, battements, and more. 

The incredible thing about core bracing is, unlike baring down or sucking in, you can still breathe deeply while you’re stabilizing your spine. And we all know that using our breath is incredibly important for dancing!

With that in mind, we’ve created a workout to help you practice bracing your core throughout different types of movement. This workout will definitely fire up your core muscles, so don’t be surprised if you’re a bit sore tomorrow!

Let’s dive in!

Before we start working out, watch this quick video of Coach Amber showing the difference between bracing your core, sucking in, and baring down. It’s important that you’re focusing on the proper type of core engagement for this workout. 


Unshakable: Core Bracing Workout

For this workout, you may want a mat. You will also need a pair of dumbbells in a medium weight. 



If you’re unfamiliar with deadbugs check out this blog that breaks down the form, modifications, and progressions available to you. 

To get started, lie on the mat with your arms extended straight over your chest so they form a perpendicular angle with your torso. 

Bend your hips and knees 90 degrees, lifting your feet from the ground. Your torso and thighs should form a right angle, as should your thighs and shins. 

Brace your core, maintaining contact between your lower back and the mat. Make sure your spine maintains this steady and neutral position throughout the exercise. 

Keep your right arm and left leg exactly where they are, then, slowly reach your left arm backward over your head toward the floor. At the same time, extend your right knee and hip, reaching your right heel toward the floor. 

Move slowly and steadily, breathing in as you perform the extensions. Stop the movement just before your arm and leg touch the ground. 

Reverse the movement to return your left arm and right leg to their starting positions.

Move slowly and steadily, breathing as you go while maintaining your braced core. 

Perform the same movements to the opposite sides, this time keeping your left arm and right leg steady as you extend your right arm and left leg.

**Complete 10 FULL reps (out and in on each side is one rep) then, rest for 30 seconds before moving on.**



Core bracing also works when doing oblique training and stability. 

Lie on your right side with your legs extended and stacked one on top of the other.

Place the elbow of your right arm directly under your shoulder and ensure your head is directly in line with your spine. 

Your left arm can be aligned along the left side of your body or, for an added challenge, extended toward the ceiling.

Once again, brace your abdominal muscles, drawing your navel toward your spine. 

Lift your hips and knees from the mat while exhaling. Your torso should be in a straight line with no sagging or bending. Hold the position. After several breaths, inhale and return to the starting position.

**Hold for 30-60 seconds. Change sides and repeat. Rest for 30 seconds then move on to the next exercise.**



Stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips, with your toes pointed slightly outward. 

Stand tall and brace your core. This will help you keep your chest up and your spine neutral throughout the squat. 

Your weight should be firmly planted on the heels and the balls of your feet as if they were pasted to the ground. 

Remember, keep your entire body tight the entire time, your core should be flexed like you’re bracing to be punched in the gut! 

Breathe deeply into your stomach, break at your hip, and push your butt back. 

Keep sending your hips backward as your knees bend. 

As you squat down, focus on keeping your knees in line with your feet (it’s okay if your knees go over your toes, but they should not wobble in or out!)

Squat down until your hip joint is lower than your knees. 

Then, keeping everything braced, breathe out, drive through your heels, and squeeze your glutes to stand up.

If squats are a familiar exercise for you, feel free to add dumbbells for an added challenge.

** Perform 10-15 reps focusing on feeling the bracing sensation. Rest for 60 seconds then move on to the final exercise.**



Finally, the last exercise in our core bracing workout. This one might seem unrelated at first glance, but you’ll be shocked by how much you require a stable core. 

Grab that pair of dumbbells you chose at the beginning of this workout and hold them at your side with a firm grip. 

Stand tall, keeping your shoulders, back, and core braced. 

Then, walk forward at an even pace with your eyes focused straight ahead of you. 

Complete the desired amount of steps, come to a stop, and place the dumbbells down while keeping a tight core and neutral spine.

This may sound easy, but remember, don’t let your spine wobble or collapse as you carry that weight back and forth. Instead, keep your shoulders gently rolled back and your ribcage knitted closed. 

**Complete 20 steps (10 R and 10 L). Then, rest for 90 seconds before restarting the circuit.**


Finish the Workout Strong!

To complete this workout, perform three rounds of this circuit. Your abs will be screaming at you by the end, but you’ll be able to brace on cue anytime you need extra support. 


Want more workouts like these? Try these weekly blasts: A Simple Workout: No Equipment Necessary, Workout Wednesday: The Isometric Workout, Showgirl: A Workout For Full Body


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