Showgirl: A Workout For Full Body

Showgirl: A Workout For Full Body

As a short queen, my dreams of becoming a showgirl in the classic sense of the phrase were short-lived. But that doesn’t mean I can’t experience feeling long, lean, strong, and confident. How do I achieve this? I do a workout for full-body activation. 

We are talking arms, legs, core, back, and chest. Nothing gets skipped in today’s workout for full body. Let’s go!


Primer: 2 sets

Perform two sets of this primer to prep the body for the work ahead and get the most out of your workout. 

Constant Tension Squats: 

Set up with your legs hip-width apart. Then, squat down to your full depth and rise about 80% of the way up. You should keep tension in your glutes the entire time. 

If you’d like to make it more challenging, add a weight for goblet squats. 

**Perform 15 reps, rest for 45 seconds, then repeat before moving on to Superset 1**


Superset 1: 3 sets

The first superset of our workout for full body will activate your legs and your upper body (as well as your core!) Complete all exercises before starting your rest period. 

Bodyweight Hip Thrust: 

Find a box, bench, chair, etc. Line yourself up so the lower part of your shoulder blades (band of sports bra) are on the edge of the bench. Then lower your hips a few inches and thrust those glutes up to make a straight line from shoulders to knees. Remember to keep your shins perpendicular to the floor and your ribcage closed.

**Perform 10 reps then immediately move on to power push-ups.**

Power Push-up: 

If you need a push-up refresher, check out this link, then come back. 

Set up with your hands directly under your shoulders with your legs hip distance or slightly wider. 

Your elbows should bend at the 45-degree mark between your side and your shoulder. So elbows are NOT going straight out to the side and they are NOT brushed along your side.(Your body should look like an arrow from an overhead view.)

For a modification, come down to your knees but keep everything else the same.

 **The first and second rounds perform 8 reps before resting. On the third set, perform 10 reps. Rest for 90 seconds between rounds.** 

personal training for dancers

Superset 2: 3 sets

Next up in our workout for full body activation is our second superset of the day. Complete three rounds before continuing with the workout.

The Walking Lunge:

Step one foot forward into a lunge. Then, bring the back foot to join the front foot to return to a standing position. 

Add a dumbbell in each hand for a greater challenge. 

**Perform 12 per side then immediately move on to dumbbell bicep curls.**

Dumbbell Bicep Curl: 

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forward and your thumbs rotated out. 

You’ll perform a full range of motion bicep curl- starting from your sides and curling up to your shoulder. 

Be sure to move slowly with control; not letting the DB swing up or down. 

**Perform 12 reps then rest for 90 seconds before starting the superset again. Complete three rounds before moving on to superset 3.** 


Superset 3: 2 sets

You’ve made it to the final round of our workout for full-body activation. Finish strong, you didn’t go this long just to give up now!

RFE Springs: 

Set up like you would for an RFE or Bulgarian Split squat. Set your back foot on a platform behind you, about knee height or lower with your front leg about two paces forward.

Bow your body forward over the front leg as you squat down (like an airplane taking off).  

Then push the floor away as you jump with power off the front leg.

**Perform 10 per side then immediately move on to 90/90 pails rails.**

90/90 Pails Rails:

Find your 90/90 position. 

Then, lean forward over the front leg. 

For 10 seconds, push the front leg into the floor as hard as you can while leaning forward. 

Then, for 10 more seconds, maintain the position while bringing your thigh and knee as high off the ground as possible. 

**Perform 3 per side then rest for one minute before restarting the superset. To complete the workout, perform 2 rounds of superset 3.** 


Congrats! You’ve completed our workout for full body activation. I hope you feel strong and powerful…or at least I hope you will feel that way once you’ve caught your breath. 


Want more workouts like this? Tune in every Wednesday for a new free workout. 

Don’t want to wait that long? Try these client favorites: Oh My, Quad! A Quad Workout for Dancers, 8 Fast and Effective Bodyweight Cardio Exercises for Dancers, Workout Wednesday: A Circuit Workout


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