Workout Wednesday: A Quick 25-Minute Workout

A workout does not have to be long to be effective. Today’s 25-minute workout will get you sweating and cover all your bases for a full-body burn. 

Ready to get started?


Group 1  (3 rounds)

This 25-minute workout is split into three sections. Each section is designed to be treated as a superset. That means you’ll perform a set of each exercise before resting and starting a new round. 

You’ll perform this superset a total of three times. 


Single leg hip thrust: 

First up in our 25-minute workout is the single-leg hip thrust. 

Sit on the ground perpendicular to a bench (or couch or bed, etc.) with your back resting against the side of the bench. 

Lift yourself up so your sports bra line is leaning against the edge of the bench. (Your body will work as a seesaw, with the bench as your fulcrum.)

To ensure you’re in a good position, lift your hips and walk your feet out so, when your hips are lifted, you’re in a tabletop position. Then, lower your hips back down.

Now that you’re in position, lift one foot off of the ground. 

Bracing your core, squeeze your glutes, and press into your grounded heel to lift your hips. You should strive to have your body in a straight line at the top of the thrust. Then, slowly lower down. 

**Perform 10 reps per leg, then immediately move on to 90/90s.**



This next exercise seems easy, but it will wake up your hips and core faster than you think!

Sit on a mat with one leg bent at 90 degrees in front of you and the other at 90 degrees behind you.

Keeping your back tall and long, and engaging your abs, flip your legs like windshield wipers. 

Squeeze the back glute and extend through the front leg’s hip flexor.  

**Perform 5 reps per side, rest for 90 seconds, then repeat the superset.**


Group 2 (4 rounds)

Okay, okay, this next section of our 25-minute workout is not a superset. So, you’ll have a chance to rest between each set. 

You’ll perform 4 sets of chin-ups. 


Chin-up variations 

You get to choose whether you use bands, a pull-up machine, or are strong enough to perform with your full body weight.  

Use whatever equipment available that best suits your goals and skill level, then knock out 4 sets. 

If you’re using a heavier weight (less assistance) aim for 8 reps per set. Rest for 1 minute between rounds. However, if you get to 8 and feel like you can do more, go for it strong people!

If you’re using a lightweight (more resistance) go for 12 reps per set. Again, rest for 1 minute between rounds. 



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Group 3 (3 rounds)

You’ve made it to the final superset of our 25-minute workout! Finish strong and push yourself, you’ve got this!


Dumbbell Bench press: 

If you don’t have a bench, just lie on the floor. You can also drape a band around your shoulders for a band press if you don’t have DB’s. If you want to really push yourself, grab a barbell and press! 

Throughout this lift, make sure you don’t “break” at the wrists – meaning keep your knuckles punishing up towards the ceiling. 

Keep your abs engaged, and exhale as you push the weight UP! 

**Perform 15 Reps, then immediately move on to the next exercise.**


Double Dumbbell Squats: 

Grab two dumbbells, hold them at shoulder height, and drop it like it’s hot. 

If you don’t have access to dumbbells, stand on a band and squat. If it’s a busy day at the gym, feel free to opt for the classic goblet squat. Feeling adventurous (and more advanced?) you can do a barbell front squat (holding the barbell in front of your chest.)

Remember to keep your chest up, feet hip slightly wider than hip distance, with toes pointing forward. Make sure your knees track over your toes keep your elbows forward, and abs engaged like you’re doing a plank. 

**Perform 15 reps, rest for 2 minutes, then repeat the superset.**

Congratulations! You pushed yourself in this 25-minute workout and now, just like that, you’ve already gotten your workout in for the day. I hope it feels good!

Want more free workouts? Tune into the blog every Wednesday!

Don’t want to wait that long? Give these workouts and training tips a try: Training Tip Tuesday: The B-Stance Squat, Lucky Number Seven: A Full-Body Workout Routine, 8 Fast and Effective Bodyweight Cardio Exercises for Dancers

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