Training Tip Tuesday: Smith Machine Hip Thrust

Smith Machine Hip Thrust

Training Tip Tuesday: Smith Machine Hip Thrust

Happy Training Tip Tuesday! Today we are talking about the Smith Machine hip thrust. 

Using a Smith Machine to perform hip thrusts is a great way to introduce yourself to barbell hip thrusts.

Because the barbell is gliding on the machine, the Smith machine hip thrust offers more stability. This is great for dancers still building stability in their knees or hips before jumping straight into regular hip thrusts. It’s also a great option when going for a personal record to add extra stability, or, if you find getting under the barbell challenging. 

So, want to learn how to set up this lift?



personal training for dancers



Setting up the Smith Machine Hip Thrust

  • Set up your bench

First things first, grab a bench and set it up the long way in front of the Smith machine. (The bench should make a sort of wall between the posts of the Smith Machine)

  • Lower the Bar

Next, lower the bar so it is near where you need it, but there is still enough room to get underneath it. 

  • Get Into Position

Now, set yourself up for the lift. So, just like a regular hip thrust, lean your shoulder blades against the edge of the bench, and lift your hips so they are underneath the barbell. 

Now, rotate the bar to release it and gently lower it onto your hips. If you need to use a towel or a barbell pad to protect your hipbones, feel free!

  • Perform the Hip Thrust

To perform the hip thrust, look down toward your belly button and engage your core. Moving your body as one solid piece (no arching in the lower spine!) hinge your hips toward the floor. (your shoulder blades should be the fulcrum for your balance)

At the bottom, squeeze your glutes to thrust your hips back up to the starting position – again, no arching the back!

Perform as many reps as necessary, then, rotate the bar back onto the machine and take your rest. 

Wait, I Can’t Picture It…

That’s okay! We have a form video of Coach Kiersten Performing the Smith Machine Hip Thrust, here.

Her machine has the safeties on so her range of motion is limited. But your setup and form should be exactly the same!


Want more tips like this? Check out these training tips and workouts: Dead Bug Exercises: Variations for a Stable Core, Leaping For Joy: A Dancer’s Guide on How to Jump Higher, Building Power with Poise: Dumbbell & Band Workout for Dancers


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