How to Use Weight Machines at the Gym

How to Use Weight Machines at the Gym

Hello, and welcome back to another Training Tip Tuesday! Learning how to use weight machines at the gym is an important part of feeling confident in the weight room. 

Sure, they look simple enough – and, in general, they are! 

As you can imagine, I spend lots of time in gyms. I’ve noticed that people know how to use weight machines at the gym, but they often miss this important element. 

Locking themselves in. 

So, with that in mind, today’s training tip is dedicated to walking you through how to use weight machines at the gym. Let’s get into it. 

Many machines have built-in lap bars— to effectively use these machines, it’s essential that you position the lap bar securely. (The padded bar that anchors your thighs or hips to the machine.) 

These bars provide a stable point to pull against, preventing your body from moving upwards during the exercise and ensuring that the tension is focused solely on your target muscles. This allows for a targeted and effective workout. 

Without an anchor, you might find yourself being pulled upward or missing out on an opportunity to create more tension within a movement.

Let’s take lat pull-downs for example. This machine has a hanging bar that you’ll pull down directly above a seat with a lap bar.  

Before you even choose your weight, take a moment and sit down on the bench. Then, adjust the lap bar so it rests on your thighs; keeping you from lifting up, off the bench, and conserving your energy to fully focus on your pull-downs.  The same is true with other machines with lap bars and other “lock-in pads.” Some examples would be the leg extension machines or hamstring-curl machines. 

If you want one, here’s a visual of Coach Amber showing how to use weight machines at the gym in this way. 


Want more tips like these? Tune in every Tuesday for a new training tip. Buuuuut, if you can’t wait til then, give these training tips a read: Training Tip Tuesday: Hammer Curls, This Is How to Breathe When Lifting Weights, Training Tip Tuesday: Knee Hovers for Core Strengthening 

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