Workout Wednesday: The Basics Workout

basics workout

Workout Wednesday: The Basics Workout

Sometimes you don’t want to get complicated with your workout. That’s why we created this “basics” workout for you.

If you’re having one of those days where setting up equipment – or even leaving your house sounds terrible, give this basics workout a try! 

Comprised of three classic exercises: push-ups, squats, and crunches, this workout ticks all of the boxes without being overly complicated. 

Ready to give it a try?

The Basics Workout

First things first, you’ll need a comfy spot on the floor (or a mat) and a timer.

Set that timer for 20 minutes and perform as many cycles of this workout as possible with as little rest as possible within that 2o minutes. 



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T-Push-ups x6

Okay so, admittedly, this exercise is a basic with a twist…literally. 

Go ahead and get into push-up position. If you’re a beginner with push-ups, or if you’ve never quite felt strong and comfortable with push-ups, check out this push-up form how-to before you workout!

Once you’re in push-up form perform a push-up. 

At the top of your push-up (right after you’ve pushed up) lift one of your arms up off the floor and reach it toward the ceiling, twisting your upper body as you do. 

You should end up in a “T”shape with your chest open to one side. I like to let my gaze follow my hand as I do these. 

Then, bring the hand back down and repeat the push-up into this twist on the other side. 

*Perform a total of 6 T-push-ups, then, move on to the next exercise.*

Squats x10

This part of the basics workout truly is basic -nothing fancy here.  You will perform 10 squats. 

Now, I want you to hone in on your form. 

First step, engage your core. 

Next, stick your tush backwards as if you are about to sit in a chair. Keep your chest lifted as you descend and only go as low as you can while keeping your keeps planted and your chest lifted. If you were wearing a T-shirt with words on it, you should be able to read it. 

Then, push through your feet to return to standing. No hip tucks at the top!

*Perform 10 squats, then immediately move onto the next exercise.*

Knee to Elbow Crunches x30

Once again we are putting a twist on the basics for this portion of our basics workout. 

Some people might call these bicycle crunches, but the most important part of these crunches is to move with intention. Faster is NOT better. 

Lay on your back, with your knees bent. 

To engage your core, imagine your bottom rib is trying to reach your hip bone. This should result in your ribcage knitting closed and your abs pulling back and up. 

Next, place your arms behind your head, elbows wide to the side. 

Now, using your abdominals, lift the shoulder off the ground. 

From here, lift your left knee and twist your shoulders to try and touch it with your right elbow. 

Keeping your shoulders lifted and elbows wide, switch sides. 

*Perform a total of 30 Knee to Elbow Crunches, then restart at the beginning (T-push-ups.)*

But I’ve Never Been Basic! I Want to Be Extra!

If you’re feeling like this basics workout is too easy feel free to amp up the challenge by adding resistance in these ways:

-Hold a weight with you’re doing your squats

-Put a resistance band around your feet during the knee to elbow crunches

The more weight you use, or the tighter the resistance band, the harder the exercise will be. 

And there you have it, a full body, basics workout done in just 20 minutes! With that amount efficiency in the gym who knows what you’ll be able to get done today!


Let us know if you liked this workout! And if you’re looking for more, check these out on the blog: Workout Wednesday: A Circuit Workout, Training Tip Tuesday: B-stance RDL, 9 Things Physical Therapists Want Dance Athletes to Know


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