Workout Wednesday: Posterior Chain Workout


You’d be shocked how much strengthening your posterior chain can effect your health. For one, posterior chain workouts have been shown to be better than general strength training at relieving back pain. As a dancer you’ll be happy to learn thata  posterior chain workout can help improve knee health, increase power for jumps, and boost stability for balances and turns!

So, with that in mind, today’s workout is dedicated to lighting up your posterior chain! This workout will take about 30 minutes, and your choice of resistance, whether that’s bands or weights. 


The Posterior Chain Workout


Hamstring Curls x3 Sets

Okay, first up in our posterior chain workout is hamstring curls! You can perform these on a prone hamstring curl machine. However, if you don’t have access to one simply lay on your stomach on a mat and hold a dumbbell between your feet.

Keep your feet flexed and move SLOWLY and with control. Make sure you’re not taking a coffee break by curling the weight too close to your tushy and relieving the tension. 

If performing hamstring curls with a weight is too challenging for you, you can also perform these by laying on your back with sliders under your shoes or sock-footed. 

Extend your legs out long, then press into your heels to pull your feet toward your tush as you lift into a glute bridge, then return the legs back out. Again, move slowly, 

 **No matter which version you choose to perform, complete 15 reps, then rest for 90 seconds. Perform three sets total.**


Superset x3 

Romanian Deadlifts

Once again in this posterior chain workout you get to choose. You can perform these RDLS  standing on a band, holding dumbbells, kettlebells, a barbell, or even a trap bar.

No matter what you choose, keep your chin tucked, shins perpendicular to the floor, and hips reaching back off your center line.

Remember, your hips should be the only major joint moving: knees stay in place!

**Perform 10 reps then immediately move on to hip thrusts. Complete three rounds.**  

Hip Thrusts:

If you’re picking up on the pattern here, you’ll probably know that you get a choice here too! Choose to perform these with bodyweight, a dumbbell, or barbell; whatever suits your skill level and equipment availability.

Set these up by leaning the bottom of your bra-line on the bench (or sofa/ chair/ etc), keep your shins perpendicular to the floor, ribs closed, and eyes forward. When your thrust up, make sure you squeeze for one second at the top.

**Perform 10 reps then rest for 2 minutes before repeating the superset. Complete three rounds.** 



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Superset: x3

Single Leg RDL to lunge:

We’ve reached the final superset of our posterior chain workout! But don’t let up, this superset has three exercises, and it definitely packs a punch!

For single leg RDLS choose between using bodyweight, a dumbbell, or a resistance band. If you need extra support and stability you can gently hold on to a chair or wall.

The exact same form rules apply to these as tradition RDLs you’re just performing them on one leg!

Remember, keep the rib cage closed, abs braced, and glutes squeezing throughout! 

**Perform 6 reps per leg then immediately move on to hip flexor hops!**

Hip Flexor Hop:

Get yourself set up in a low lunge, big inhale in, and exhale to lift your hips off the ground and switch your feet. Land the switch in a deep lunge. Keep switching back and forth, abs staying engaged, and landing each jump in a solid and deep lunge.

**Perform 6 reps per side (12 total) then immediately move on to heel raises.**

Heel raises (2 up 1 down):

If you need you can use a wall or chair for balance, but try these without assistance first.

Press into a high rélévé on both legs, then, shift the weight over to one leg and lower back to the floor while balancing on that leg. Move slowly and with control. You can also lift the non-working leg into passé as you lower as a variation. Hold weights for more of a challenge.

**Perform 6 reps per leg, (12 total) then rest for 2 minutes before starting the superset again. Complete three rounds.**


Give yourself a pat on the back! This posterior chain workout was not easy! 

Want more workouts like this? Tune in every Wednesday for a free workout! 

Can’t wait that long? Check out these workouts and training tips from the archives: 10 Exercises For Dancers That Will Transform Your Technique, Stability Burn: A Dumbbell Workout, Training Tip Tuesday: Knee Hovers for Core Strengthening


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