15 minute workout, quick workout, short workout

The 15 Minute Workout

Whoever said that workouts needed to be long to be effective was…misinformed. 😉 However, studies have shown that muscle growth can still happen in short workouts. Today we are testing that theory with a 15 minute workout. At the end, you tell me whether or not you feel like you got your workout in. 

Now, today’s workout is bodyweight based, but you’ll be using either your socks or sliders to decrease stability and therefore increase the intensity.

The goal is to perform this circuit 4 times as fast as possible. Take no more than 30 seconds of rest between each set. Ideally, you’ll complete the 4 circuits within 15 minutes. (Hence, “The 15 Minute Workout.”) Set a timer, or not, the choice is yours. 


Let’s Get Started: The 15 Minute Workout

Pendulum Lunge – x5/leg

For this exercise, you’re going to imagine that your head is under a shelf. The key to getting the most out of this exercise is staying low and maintaining that isometric hold in your weight-bearing leg. 

Get into a lunge position. 

Then, without lifting up out of the lunge, slide your back leg through to the front. You should now be in a lunge on the opposite side. 

Next, slide that same leg back to its starting position. Again, make sure not to lift up out of the lunge. 

Sliding forward and back is one rep. 

*Perform 5 reps per side, then move on to the next exercise (or rest if needed).*

Plank Up-downs – x8/side

Next up in our 15 minute workout are plank up-downs. I’m going to be honest, these just don’t seem to get any easier. 

Set yourself up in a plank position with your upper body supported by your forearms. 

One hand at a time, and starting with your right arm, lift up to a traditional plank (on your hands). 

Once up in your plank, lower back down to your forearms one arm at a time (again, starting with your right arm). 

As you do this, try to keep your hips from dipping too much side to side!

One rep includes the up and the down.

*Perform eight reps per arm, then move on to the next exercise (or rest if needed.)

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Hamstring Curls – 8 double-leg or 8/side for single-legs

This exercise comes with an option! You can either perform this as a single-leg exercise, or, for more of a challenge perform this as a double-leg exercise. The choice is yours! But if you do opt for the double-leg, make sure you are engaging your core to support your lower back

Lay on your back with one knee bent and the other straight. (If performing double-leg extend both legs and perform the following in tandem.)

Using your socks or your slide discs, slide the heel of your straight leg toward your booty. At the same time, lift your hips toward the ceiling into a bridge position. 

Then, slide your foot back out as you slowly lower your hips back down to the floor. 

*Perform 8 reps total of double-leg hamstring curls, or, 8 reps per leg single-leg, then move on to the next exercise. (or rest)*

High Plank Pikes x6-8

Okay! Time to flip over to perform the ab-burner portion of our 15 minute workout!

Put yourself into a high plank position (plank with upper-body supported by your hands.)

Now, using your lower abdominals, lift your hips toward the ceiling, allowing your toes to slide in toward your shoulders.  

With control now, slowly lower your hips back down, letting your toes slide back into a plank position. 

**Keep your shoulders down and your rib cages closed as you perform these – no cheating but relying on your mobility!**

*Perform 6-8 reps, then move onto the next exercise. (or rest!)

Skaters– x10/ leg

Finally, the last exercise in our 15 minute workout! I know you’re feeling your glutes and hamstrings by now, but finish strong!

For this exercise, you’ll be sliding from one foot to the other and crossing your working leg behind you into a curtsey lunge. 

Begin by standing. Step out to the side onto your right leg. 

With control, slide your left leg behind you into a curtsey lunge. The lower you go, the more challenging this will be! 

Then, slide that curtsey leg out from behind you and step out to the side onto it, sliding your right leg behind you into the opposite curtsy. 

*Perform ten reps per leg to finish this round! Rest briefly, then start over at the beginning!*

Once you’ve completed 4 rounds of this circuit, you’ll have officially completed this 15 minute workout. 

Did it, in fact, only take you 15 minutes? Let us know! Each time you do this exercise you should be able to improve your time. Just remember, never sacrifice your form for time. 


Want more workouts and fitness tips? Give these popular reads a glance: Training Tip Tuesday: Three Point Row, Workout Wednesdays: The Bear Crawl Workout, 8 Fast and Effective Bodyweight Cardio Exercises for Dancers

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