Training Tip Tuesday: Weighted Crunches

weighted crunches

Training Tip Tuesday: Weighted Crunches

Core training can greatly improve your overall performance as an athlete and dancer. But, as we know, doing hundreds of crunches isn’t as effective as we were all taught. However, there are some crunch adjacent exercises that can be incredibly effective. Weighted crunches are one such exercise. 

Don’t be fooled by the name, weighted crunches are less of a “crunch” and more of a “lift.” It’s a great way to target your abdominals without putting added pressure on your neck. 

Ready to learn this move?


How to Do Weighted Crunches

First up, lay down on your back with your feet flat on the floor. 

Next, up we are going to practice this move. 

Like I said before, this isn’t a traditional “crunch” where the action is curling forward. Instead, I want you to reach your arms straight up toward the ceiling and lift your chest upward. 

As you do this, try and keep your collarbones wide. Your arms should be lifted straight up, not toward your knees. 

Once you’ve got this down go ahead and grab a light-ish weight. 

Hold the weight in your hands by both ends and perform this ab “lift.”

Remember, keep your feet still, and your collarbones wide, and lift the weight straight up toward the ceiling. 

You should be able to draw a straight line from the weight to the ground and it should be lifting one to two inches into the air. 

Want a visual? Here’s a form video from Coach Amber giving you the play-by-play. 


Let us know if you incorporate these into your training! And don’t forget to tune in every Tuesday for another Training Tip!

Don’t want to wait til next week? Here are some of our favorite Training Tips from the coaches at DWL: Training Tip Tuesday: Knee Hovers for Core Strengthening, Training Tip Tuesday: Sleeping Positions, Training Tip Tuesday: B-stance RDL

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