A few of my favorite things


I like to think I’m not a materialistic person, but it is nice to appreciate simple comforts and daily joys. Today I want to share a few things that are making staying home that much better.


Scalp & Shampoo Massager | $10

I miss my hairdresser. Seriously, the simple joy of getting a blow out or just leaning back and having someone else scrub your scalp and your worries away… what a small luxury! I found my since using this small device, my hair has been growing faster and feels cleaner. It’s not quite the same as being at the salon, but pair this scrubber with a deep conditioner and a blow out and you’ll almost feel like things are as they should be. There’s nothing a good hair day can’t fix, right?


Son and Park Beauty Water | $21

I originally ordered this beauty water ( aka toner) from Soko Glam nearly a year ago, but hadn’t really committed to a skin routine until quarantine started. But since using it twice daily for the last 9 weeks, I’ve noticed a more even tone in my skin, fewer blemishes and breakouts, and overall more smoothness. I’ve enjoyed luxuriating in my morning and nighttime skin routine these past few weeks.


Unicorn Essence | $22

Speaking of luxuriating in my skin care routine, Unicorn Essence is the ultimate OTT skin experience. This serum works to prep skin for makeup application and help protect from free-radical damage. It offers a burst of vitamins directly to your face, making it feel soft and giving you that subtle, dewy shimmer. It works as a flawless primer but these days, I’ll often leave my foundation in the drawer and let my skin go natural with just this Unicorn Essence.


Tiny Ring Light | $12

With the influx of Facetime calls and Zoom meetings, the tiny clip-on ring light has been a game changer. No more tired eyes looking back at me on the video call, only an alert-looking and well babe. It’s charged via USB and lasts for hours; I imagine this will be perfect whenever I need to use a purse or bag and go somewhere again. But until then, this little light offers a photo finish to my video conferencing.


Air Fryer | $99

If I could recommend one item from this entire list of things I love… the air fryer is #1. My boyfriend, Chris, gifted me an airfryer last summer and I just love it so much. If you’re new to cooking, the air fryer makes you fearless. If you’re a pro in the kitchen, the air fryer makes you efficient. I know people love instapots, but I really think in terms of variety of recipes and efficiency the air fryer is superior. My model has the capability to cook a pound of chicken, from frozen to fried, in under 15 minutes. I roast vegetables, bake potatoes, make brownies and cookies, have fried eggs, roasted pork tenderloin, made burgers, toasted toast… you name it, my air fryer has done it. It’s versatile, fast, easy to clean, and reduces the use of fatty oils in your foods. Seriously… you’ve gotta get one.


Electric Wine Bottle Opener | $15

Another kitchen gadget I received as a gift was my electric wine bottle opener. My dad handed me this for Christmas last year and since quarantine has started, this baby has seen some action. Full disclosure, I’m not great at opening wine bottles. I blame it on my height, usually the bottle is on the countertop and I’m on my tiptoes and the angle is off, and somehow bits of the cork end up in the wine. Gross. But this little do-dad saves time and saves wine. With the literal press of a button a bottle of wine is uncorked and the cork is still in perfect condition, so if you need to re-seal the bottle it’s possible. This was an awesome gift and has brought me great pleasure during my time at home.


Luster & Lum Collagen Water | $42/ case

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve finally committed to my skincare routine. In addition to what I’m putting on my skin, I think it’s imperative to consider what is going in our skin. Collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular matrix in the various connective tissues in the body. As the main component of connective tissue, it is the most abundant protein in mammals, making up from 25% to 35% of the whole-body protein content. In short, collagen is the glue that holds our body together. This not only affects our hair, skin, and nails… but our muscular tissues, ligaments, etc. So when I came across a sparkling water loaded with 10g of protein from collagen, I dove in. I’ve been sipping on the Raspberry flavor. It’s almost a raspberry-cream, subtly sweet. It keeps me hydrated and helps me inch towards my protein goal for the day. I’m excited to try their cherry flavor as well.


Verisimo Milk Frother | $60

My favorite coffee shop closed March 18th. It’s part of my morning routine to walk my dog and grab a coffee. I cherish these first 20 minutes of my day and was thrilled when I became a “regular” at the coffee shop, so you can imagine my heart-break when that part of my day was dissolved. However, I’ve found another simple joy in making my own frothed oat milk lattes using this fancy milk frother. I also found that if I froth vanilla oat milk with a packet of splenda, the result tastes like a toasted marshmallow… do with that information what you will. But this device has helped me form a new morning routine that grounds my day and gets me excited to wake up.


Apolla Shocks | $29

You. Need. These. Socks. Well, they aren’t even just socks, they’re “shocks.” This footwear is revolutionary and I cannot believe every dancer in America doesn’t have a pair yet… particularly when we’re all stuck training at home on un-sprung, unforgiving floors. The absorptive and compressive properties of these shocks are a game changer in terms of how my joints feel after working out and dancing on my living room floor for 9 weeks and, not only that, they offer expedited means to recovery. As a dancer, your entire life is focused on what your feet can do… you’re seriously going to settle for training in Hanes socks when you could be wearing the Mercedes of footwear for dancers? I’m in love with Apolla Shocks and I’m never going back.


Yoga Toes | $36

While we’re on the subject of “foot stuff,” let’s talk about yoga toes. All day your feet are squished in sneakers, heels, La Duca’s, tap shoes, etc. There is so much benefit for creating space and width between your toes. Yes, it’s kind of weird at first but now I’m obsessed with my Yoga Toes and can’t imagine an evening without them.


Onnit Melatonin Spray | $13

The biggest issue my clients and myself have faced since quarantine started is falling asleep and staying asleep. Of course much of that is due to stress or from the blue light of staring at our phones, TVs, and computers all day, but if you’re really struggling to get some good, deep sleep the Onnit Melatonin spray is sure to knock you out. I’ve tried it in the Mint and Lavender flavors, mint is my favorite. I like the spray because unlike melatonin pills, you can decide how much you want to take; you’re able to start with a little and ease into the product, so you don’t wake up feeling groggy or hung over like some melatonin pills cause.


Weighted Blanket | $50

My ultimate wind-down method is the weighted blanket. Especially if I’m having high anxiety, the gentle pressure of the weighted blanket offers comfort, like a perpetual hug, without making me feel suffocated or hot.

Times are weird and I know that “things” can’t buy us happiness. But I do believe that you are in charge of attitude and your surroundings often dictate your attitude, so why not surround yourself with simple joys that make your day that much better. Even if none of these things appeal to you, I had a wonderful time constructing this article just by looking around my home and appreciating how blessed I am and how many things I can be thankful for. I love the saying, “You always find what you’re looking for.” If you constantly seek the negative– the floors that need to be vacuumed, the bills piling up, the expired milk, etc. — that’s what you’re going to find. But when you train yourself to look for things you love and reasons to be happy, you’ll likely find that you’re a happier and more grateful person.

Give it a try and let me know which of these products you love!

Xox Am

PS I’m not sponsored or endorsed by any of these brands or companies, I just use these products and thought I’d share them with you.


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